Chapter 35

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"The building has single living apartments and sharing apartments catered specifically for college students. The sharing apartments are located on the third, fourth and fifth floors. There are two-man sharing and three-man sharing...," the woman in front of me was saying. She stopped talking abruptly and looked at Ross briefly.

Ross had insisted on coming with me. I had no idea why he'd find apartment viewing interesting and so far he wasn't showing any interest in what the building manager was saying. He had a Rubik's cube and was shuffling it incessantly.

We were in a small office in the middle of Savanna Island city, enquiring about the third building on my list of potential apartments. We'd visited three places that day. Two were beautiful but located too far from college and the last one we'd seen was just too expensive, for me anyway. Ross had fallen in love but I had the good mind to dismiss him. He wouldn't be paying for the apartment after-all.

"Uh...which one would you like to know about?" the manager asked, shifting her focus back to me when Ross didn't so as give him any attention. I almost wanted to apologize for Ross's manners but I didn't.

"Two-man sharing," I said at the same time Ross said, "Single."

I looked at him.

"Are you pledging allegiance with monks?" he said.


"Are you going to be celibate?" he said. His eyes were glued to the cube.

The building manager looked away from us coyly.

The question had caught me off guard. We'd never talked about sex after we decided to stop having sex with each other. It wasn't a topic ex-friends with benefits should have been discussing. It was something I hadn't thought about. My only thoughts about sex involved him. I hadn't thought about my sex life after him.

"Of course not!" I replied, maybe a little harshly. The manner in which he'd asked the question irritated me. The calmness in his voice and the slight suggestive tone told me had no problems with me moving on from him. In fact, he was encouraging me to sleep with Tom, dick and Harry.

I should have been happy.

"Good idea to get your own apartment then. You won't have to deal with an asshole flatmate spoiling your fun," he said.

"Oh don't worry, I like having sex at their place, remember?" I said with a mock smile.

"Right," he said curtly. He looked at the building manager – probably for the first time. "You can continue."

"Uhm...ah, so...which one are you interested in?" the woman asked.

"Two-man sharing," I repeated through gritted teeth. Ross didn't even notice.

"Alright. So the two-man sharing apartments have two bedrooms, a bathroom, an open floor living and kitchen area and a study room. The furniture is supplied except for a fridge and utensils. Those you'd have to get yourself. Electricity, water and general maintenance of the apartment are included in the rent and the rent is due at the beginning of every month. Cleaning services are offered but those are separate from your rent. The nice thing about our sharing apartments is that you both pay rent individually. That means it's our job to find you a mate, so whether you have one or not you'll still pay half of the overall rent for the apartment. Of course if you already have a roommate in mind that's great. Would you like to look at some pictures first or do you want to go ahead and look at the apartment?"

"I've seen the pictures. I'd like to see the apartment," I said.

The woman nodded. "Very well, follow me."

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