Chapter 22

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There was something about Linksfield that nurtured one's soul. Its serenity seeped into my body and blended with me. When I could get away from Ross, I jogged in the morning and did some directionless walking in the afternoon. I even had time to try out something I hadn't done in a long time.

Ross had a lake directly behind his cottage. Since the entire land was his, it was rightfully his lake. One afternoon I decided to take a dip. Swimming was something I loved to do. I hadn't gotten to doing it the past few years and when the opportunity presented itself, I couldn't let it pass.

There was a lot of freedom in a lake that a pool couldn't give, and the location of the lake made it perfect. The lake was pristine and crystal blue, giving it a spectacular glint as the rays of the sun touched it. The water was magnificently serene, only quivering slightly when a gentle breeze rushed by.

My swim was invigorating. I loved the feel of the water as it touched my body and molded to its existence. I did a couple of backstroke laps and a few more freestyle laps before deciding to let go, float on my back and see where the water took me.

The sky was a mesmerizing pale blue with a few pure white clouds scattered on it. The sun shot down rays of warmth that energized my skin. It was a lovely day and I didn't want it to end, but I knew my stay at Linksfield was soon coming to an end.

For a few minutes I thought of nothing in particular and then my brain focused and focused until something specific became the center of my thoughts.

While I was floating away in a lake in Linksfield, mom thought I was in college. She thought I was getting my life back together, but instead I was just patching it up with a band-aid. The wound was too big for a band-aid. It needed stitches, carefully-sewn stitches. Being Ross's PA was a temporary fix in my life, it was a short-term thing.

I needed to start thinking long term and Ross couldn't exist in my long term plans. It was apparent Ross didn't need me as a personal assistant. I couldn't bring him a cup of coffee without sending his laptop to the repair shop and him to the emergency room. It had happened only once but for most people once would have been enough. Ross was keeping me on because I was warming his bed. There was no point sugar-coating it.

I enjoyed warming his bed, but that was not a long term solution. One day he'd get tired of me and fully-realize what a crappy personal assistant I was. He'd definitely fire me then. I couldn't wait around for that to happen. I couldn't leave as yet because while Ross provided a temporary fix, it was a fix. I still owed people money and if I walked out without it, I'd have to produce it somehow. Failure meant a decapitated head and a disemboweled body, or worse they'd reduce me to a vegetable my mom would have to take care of. The guilt would torture me every day and I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

As weird as it sounded, Ross was my savior.

Of course I wouldn't have been in the mess in the first place if I'd just avoided boys and falling in love. I'd be graduating the next year and my mother would be the proudest parent. I could imagine the huge smile she'd have on her face and the slender fingers fighting to keep her unruly hair off her face.

What would I tell her now?

Oh mom I got expelled from college because of drugs so I'm not graduating next year. I've been lying to you for the past eleven months. It's Cameron's fault.

It's my fault...

A splash of water hit my face and my body swayed. I opened my eyes quickly, raising a hand to wipe my face and dropped my legs deeper into the water.

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