Chapter 2

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It's not that I pictured my death a lot. Okay, I pictured my death a lot, at least a lot during the week prior and not surprisingly that moment when I was sitting on a large bed with expensive sheets.

There were usually two scenarios that culminated with me losing my life.

Scenario One: I'm in my room sleeping peacefully when suddenly a psychopathic man walks in demanding money from me. I tell him I don't have the large sum of money he's politely asking for or any money for that matter. The anger in his eyes spills to his hand and he shoots me right in the head. One bullet and I collapse on the bed a lifeless heap.

Scenario two: I'm in my room sleeping peacefully when suddenly a slightly less mad man walks in demanding money from me. I get up from the bed and collapse at his feet, telling him I do not have the money he's asking for but I'll get it as soon as I can. I grab his pants (He's wearing some loose leather pants) and plead with him for mercy. He smiles and helps me stand up. Just when I start relaxing around him he pushes a knife right into my stomach. In a whisper he says, "Greetings from my boss."

While I was sitting on a very expensive bed I couldn't afford, a third scenario came into mind.

Scenario three: I'm in a guest room in some mansion belonging to the Mitchell family sleeping peacefully on a huge bed with expensive sheets. A psycho walks in with a machete, followed by his obedient butler. He orders the butler to tie me down. The butler hesitantly follows the order and ties me to the bed. I can tell he's a nice guy, owing to the apologetic look he gives me. It's either me or you, the look tells me. The psycho now free to do whatever he wants with me decides he wants to chop off my limbs and reattach them to make up for not being accepted at medical school. He's always wanted to be a surgeon but with below-average intelligence even daddy's money couldn't get him into medical school. Now he's just a worthless son loitering in his daddy's mansion looking for guinea pigs. He's obviously a terrible surgeon and I die from the wounds he...

A knock on the guest room door startled me. I slipped slightly off the bed but managed to avoid falling on my ass.

"Uh...come in," I stammered.

The door opened and Nasir walked in carrying a tray.

"That was fast," I remarked. I hadn't even finished picturing my death.

"It's grilled cheese sandwiches. I didn't have to grow the wheat or milk a cow," he said and put the tray on the nightstand. I could see two grilled cheese sandwiches and a glass of juice.

"Thanks," I said.

"The TV is on in the living area. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," he said.

"Uh...can I ask you something?"

He indicated he was listening.

"When you said I wouldn't bump into anyone...what did you mean by that?"

He shook his head slightly, a mark of annoyance. "I meant exactly what I said."

"'s just you and...uh...the guy..."

"Ross," he supplied when he saw I was struggling with remembering Ross's name.

"Yes...him. Is it just the two of you in this house?"

He nodded.

"Oh...kay," I said slowly. It was not good news at all. Ross had probably murdered his whole family and Nasir had obviously helped him.

I saw a flash of lightning behind the closed curtains. Low thunder rumbled. When I turned to Nasir he was nowhere to be found. It was as if he'd vanished.

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