Chapter 1

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What is the best feeling for a young teenager or adult? You don't know...? Well it's love. But what is love? Is love a Chemical in our brain or is it a feeling? Love is complicated but an amazing feeling in our self. We can love our family, our friends or our own true love. But where can we begin our story? well... in a house somewhere in Echo Creek is a man, a man with an amazing dream to go places, but there is one hurdle stopping him... collage.

Marco pov

*beep, Beep* Beep*

I hear my alarm going off beside my bed, I reach out with my arm trying to stop it with my hand while still being sleepy. I wake up in my messy room with boxes still unpacked. I walk into the bathroom to go and have a nice steamy hot shower. I undress my self and gone in and turn on the hot water. I can feel the nice warm water racing down my body as I wash my self. After 10 minuets I finished and dried myself off with a towel, I dress myself with blue jeans and a grey shirt with my red hoodie over it and finally my casual shoes on my feet. I race over to the kitchen to make myself some serial. Yeah it's pretty lonely living alone. I moved out of my parents house 4 days ago, I wanted to go further with my education which means I have to move to get closer to college. I'm not the brightest student, but if I believe myself I can do it.

After I finish up I headed to college which is about a 20 minuet walk, I do have a car but I only use it to visit mum and dad or go outta town for myself. I walk alone, all my friends go to other colleges but Janna, she's the only friend that goes to the same place as me.
I arrive at school and I head to my first class, I was pretty early so I get to relax and play games on my phone or listen to music. When the bell ring I head inside first, I find a decks to sit and get out my text books ready to learn. Everyone started to walk in including my crush, her name is Jackie. She is the most beautiful person I ever seen. I known her since high school, I started to have a crush on her since year 10. Her beautiful short white hair, her beautiful face, the white top with shorts high up, amazing.

"Yo Marco starring at Jackie again"? Janna said as she's seating down next to me

"Umm n-no" I said hiding my blush on my face

"Dude... just ask her out already"

"I can't, she's like 10x cooler then me and I'm just me" I said looking down at my desk

"Hey look it's ok to be embarrassed to ask someone out, it's natural" Janna said holding my shoulder to comfort me

The teacher walked in and put he's laptop on he's desk "Alright everyone take a seat" he said setting up for the lesson "today we are going to learn about our reproductive system"

Everyone in the class cringed when they heard that word, it's so embarrassing, I mean we are talking about our parts with both male and female, it's like the time my parents and I had our first foreign Exchange student who was to clingy to me or the time Janna yelled out during camp I would bang a girl name Zoe in the shed late at night in Grade 8, Ahhh great.

Echo Creek Collage: A Starco StoryWhere stories live. Discover now