Chapter 23

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Jackie pov

oh it feels so good having Marco's lips pressed against mine, it feels so soft and sweet.

"dame Jackie you want fully in on him" Amy said walking beside me

"oh Amy it feels good kissing him again"

"you know we might get in trouble for doing this?" Amy said

"i know" i replied "but i was paining to go further then expected"

"oh Jackie you bad girl" Amy said surprise by my remarks

Janna pov

i was doing my normal fitness stuff in class, i have Star in my class so she's safe with me. I should tell her what happen to Marco in case. I know it's not Marco's fault... cuz i was there in front of everything that's happening, i hope Star believes what i'm about to say to her.

after we finished out fitness Star and i sat next to each other. Star is in the happiest mode ever.

"Star i-i need to tell you something that happened to Marco"

Star got worried "w-what happen to Marco?"

"well Marco was finishing up with PE and walked out of the boys locker room, then Jackie came along and drag him into the girls locker room"

Star got really up set "oh no m-my Marco, then what happen?"

"s-she forcefully made out with Marco while he was pin to the lockers" i said telling the truth with a straight face

"m-my Marco" Star started to develop tears from what i said "i can't believe she done that to him"

"i know... wait what do you mean 'my Marco'" i asked curiously

Star started to tear up on the spot, i feel so bad to see her like this.

"is everything all right here? the teacher said noticing Star crying

I stepped in to make something up "oh sir Star told me she's having really painful cramps"

"oh right do you mine taking her up?" he said


i took Star up away from the lesson, i took her into the lockers so she can have her alone time, we both sat down on the bench while Star's still crying.

"Star look at me" Star look up and face me while tears still running down her face "it's not Marco's fault, he was in a tight spot and he can't do anything" i replied explaining everything "i jumped in and got him out of there before anything else happens"

Star hugs me "t-thank you Janna for saving him, he means a lot to me" she cries

"so can i ask... are you and Marco, together?

Star nodded "i confessed my feelings to him and kissed him after our practise run of our dancing for the play last night"

"wow congrats Star" i replied "but Star the thing that i told you doesn't mean he doesn't want to be with you, i bet he loves you so much and wants to make sure you are more safe then him" i smiled while we both look at each other

"thanks Janna your such a great friend" Star said wiping her tears off her face "i'll make sure when we have English i'll love him very much"

"that a girl... oh yeah that dress you wearing before, i like it" i smiled

"you think so? i wanted to try something different for Marco"

"i bet he'll love it more then me "

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