The Wash

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

The afternoon sun felt absolutely fantastic on my skin. It was an amazing change from the thunderstorms we had been having the past few weeks. I turned the volume up on my phone as the melodic sound of Lana Del Rey's hit song 'West Coast' flooded into my ears, fitting the mood perfectly. I didn't have a care in the world right now. A feeling of pure bliss coursed throughout my entire body, causing a smile of satisfaction to make its way onto my face. Laying out by the pool was one of my temporary escapes from reality. Although, I was content with my life at the moment, sometimes I thought it was nice to just get away even though it was only for a little bit. I was quietly humming along with the beat of the music, a sense of relaxation strong inside my body.

Moments later, a shadow concealed the sun. I scrunched my face up in displeasure and opened up my eyes just enough to see Jason standing over me. I rolled my eyes before shutting them again.

"You're blocking my sun," I indicated to him.

He didn't move though. He only nudged my shoulders.

Irritated that he was interrupting my alone time, I let out a huff. I sat up while yanking the headphones out of my ears and placing my phone on the table. I removed my aviators from my face and placed them on top of my head before looking at my brother. I grimaced as I took in his appearance. He was covered from head to toe in dirt and oil. His hair was matted together with mud and sweat.

"What do you want and why are you so filthy?" I inquired.

He just gaped at me.

"Look, I need you to wash Bee," he answered.

I just sighed and sat back in my seat. Here we go again.

"Again? Why can't you do it? This is the third time this week. When are you two going to stop doing stupid shit?" I chastised him.

For the past week or so, Bee and my idiot brother had been going out and doing God knows what. All I knew was that after they came home, they were covered in lavish filth and I was always left to clean it up. I never understood why he couldn't take Drift to do whatever it is that him and Bee got into every other day, but I never questioned him about it. Bee did seem to be a lot more adventurous and crazier than Drift anyway.

"Yes, and please just do it," he pleaded.

I groaned in defeat and got up. Jason smiled and lead me down the stone pathway and out to the front yard. Crosshairs, Drift and Hound were all hanging out in the courtyard positioned against the security wall that surrounded the property, but I didn't see Bee anywhere. The Autobots turned their attention to me as I walked up to them.

"Why would you dare show yourself in public while wearing such revealing garments?" Crosshairs reproved.

I rolled my eyes at the green bot.

"It's called a bathing suit, Crosshairs. You've seen me in one before," I explained.

"Yes, but not one that lacked so much support and decency," he retorted.

I ignored his comment and focused back on the issue at hand.

"Where's Bumblebee?" I asked them rather impatiently.

"He is over by the rose garden," Drift told me and pointed over by the plants on the west side of the house.

I followed his gesture and sure enough, an almost unrecognizable Bumblebee was crouched down by the rose bushes watching me with a soft expression on his face.

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