The Flight

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Fifteen hours on a massive, yet cramped, army plane was not fun and even so, we had only been flying for an hour. At the moment I was wondering why Galvatron hadn't chosen to attack Hawaii or something. Not that it would've been a good thing, but it would've saved me from an agonizing plane ride. I hated planes, flying and heights so much. Last year, Jason had to physically drag me onto the plane to get me home. It was the battle of a lifetime, one in which I lost. This go around had been fairly easy, but I was only making it seem like it in case someone or some bot decided to handle me themselves.

So, this was a huge plane. Actually, huge was an understatement. Honestly, I probably couldn't walk around this entire plane three times before we got to Australia. Exaggeration. .yes, but it was still a pretty huge ass plane. I didn't even know the army needed planes this big, but I guess the Autobots needed a way to travel with them as well.

I was sitting against the side of the plane. My family and the soldiers were all scattered among the seating area and the Autobots were in the bare hangar with me. Most of them were in their alt modes except for Optimus, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Dino, Crosshairs and Drift who were talking among themselves. Nobody had really talked to me, though. I was just lost in my thoughts, staring at the wall.

It wasn't until about five minutes later that I heard the familiar sound of mechanical footsteps. A large figure sat down beside me, and I instantly knew who it was. Bumblebee's leg was stretched far out in front of him, so I took the opportunity and laid my head against the side of it. It wasn't particularly comfortable, but I was feeling a little tired and had felt bad for the way I treated him earlier.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. You must hate me right now," I told him.

He whirred.

"I most definitely do not. Why do you think that?"

"Well, because all you're trying to do is keep me safe and I'm just being a brat about it. I don't mean to be. It's just that all I want is to do something for you," I explained.

"You do more for me than you think, Rosalie. Trust me," he told me.

"I certainly don't feel like it, Bee. Like a week ago. .watching you offline or whatever, I felt absolutely helpless. I wanted so badly to help you but I couldn't."

"Like I said so many times before, it's not your job to protect me. It's my job to protect you and this stupid stunt you're trying to pull isn't going to happen, little lady," he told me.

I sighed.

"That's what you think."

All he did was shake his head at me. I sat up and noticed Gracie and Lynleigh walking over towards us. Gracie sat down beside me and Lynleigh sat down in front of me.

"Hey girls," Lynleigh greeted.

I raised my eyebrow at her.

"I'm almost certain that Bumblebee is not a girl."

"Oh, I know. I just didn't feel like greeting each of you by the correct genders. Too many words and I don't have time for it," she complained.

Gracie shook her head at Lynleigh and I laughed.

"Anyways, what are you two kids talking about?" Gracie asked.

"Her stubborn ass," Bumblebee said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Stop talking. Aren't your processors damaged or something?"

He just shrugged.

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