Battle Plan

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

The sun shone bright through the bedroom window. I sat up carefully and stretched. Gracie was sitting at the computer desk reading a magazine and Bee was resting in the corner beside my bed. I removed the covers from on top of me and got up. I walked over to one of my bag's on the TV stand and unzipped it. I took out a denim shirt, black jeans and my tan boots and stripped my clothes off.

"How are you feeling this-ew. Put some clothes on. There is a male present," Gracie scolded.

"Yeah, but he's resting."

"No he's not!" she yelled.

I looked over to see that Bee had his optics covered with his hand. I snickered. Oops.

"Oh well. Half my body is covered in this stupid wrap anyway," I told her while pulling on my jeans.

"Still, that's so disrespectful," she mumbled. I rolled my eyes and finished buttoning up my shirt.

"Okay, Bee. You can look now," I told him and put my shoes on. He slowly uncovered his optics. I laughed at him and turned to Gracie. "To answer the question you were going to ask, I'm fine."

"You're a shit liar."

"No, really. I'm sore as hell, and my ribs are killing me but other than that, I'm fine. If someone wouldn't have chucked my pills across the room last night, I'd be even better," I said going to retrieve my bottle of pills.

Realizing I couldn't bend down, I motioned Gracie over and she picked them up for me. I opened the lid and took out four of the small tablets. Might've been a little too many, but oh well. As I put them in my mouth to swallow, I felt a strong shudder beneath me.

"What was that?" Gracie asked.

I just looked at the floor and swallowed my pills. Bumblebee stood up as a loud explosion rolled through the building. I stumbled backwards, but Gracie grabbed onto me. I felt a hand wrap around me and then Gracie and I were in the air.

"What are you doing, Bee?" I asked in a panic as he rushed over to the window.

He kicked out the window and the wall surrounding it. He quickly jumped down to the road below him, the same road we had come through to get here. Another loud explosion sounded in my ears and I covered my head as debris flew our way. In the distance, I saw Sideswipe, Hound, Dino, Drift, and Crosshairs racing towards us. Bee quickly transformed, sitting us in the cabin of his alt mode before speeding off behind the rest of them.

"Oh my gosh. What is going on?" Gracie asked.

I just shrugged as we sped onto the highway. I caught a movement in the rear view mirror and turned around in my seat to see two black Chevy Suburbans. My eyes widened and I turned back around.

"Come on, Bee. You gotta go faster," I told him as the vehicles were gaining on us.

The two Suburbans transformed quickly. They were the scariest looking robots I'd ever seen in my life. They both had piercing red eyes and very sharp fangs, if that's what you would even call them. They roared as they ran after us.

"What do they want?" Gracie asked while staring at the two large robots.

They were throwing cars and stepping on ones that got in their way.

"I don't know! Maybe us dead. It's just a guess," I said sarcastically.

"This is seriously no time for your sarcasm, Rosalie!" she exclaimed loudly.

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