Just Like Old Times

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Destruction and loss. .that's all that I could see on the television screen in front of me. Sydney, Australia was completely destroyed. The ruins of buildings and houses lay on the streets, along with cars and other various vehicles. So many people were dead and so many families were now incomplete without their loved ones. Thousands were without homes, just living on the ruined streets.

I watched as a woman cried hysterically to the news reporter. She had been looking for her son who had left for school and her husband who had left for work an hour before the attack had happened. I could feel the tears in my eyes as I watched her cry. Little did she know that her husband and son would not be coming home.

I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and quickly switched off the television. It had been more than a week since the attack and they were still pulling people from the rubble. The clean up nor the reconstruction had begun yet as they searched for missing people. So far, over seven thousand people had been killed and nearly six hundred were still missing.

I quickly wiped my teary eyes and stood up from the white leather sofa.

Right now, I was in the KSI break room. I had came in here to get something to eat, but ended up turning on the TV. It wasn't my wisest choice either.

I walked over to the break room's double doors and opened the left side. A cool breeze sent a shiver down my spine as I walked out into the large hallway and back down to the Autobot hangar.

Uncle Josh had been working on a hangar for the Autobots for the past week. Since he no longer needed to scan cars for his prototypes, he turned the scanning areas into one big hangar for the Autobots, and it was looking quite nice in my opinion. He was also working on a base for Lennox and his men. That was coming along well also.

After walking through the labyrinth that is Kinetic Solutions Incorporated, I finally made it down and over to the Autobots hangar. Inside the large room, sat all of the Autobots and Optimus aside from Hound, Bumblebee, Crosshairs, and Drift. I had left this morning with my dad while Gracie, Avery, Jason, and Lynleigh had stayed back.

"Nice to see you again, Rosalie," Optimus greeted.

I smiled at him.

"Hello, Optimus."

He gave me a strange look.

"What seems to be the problem? You seem slightly off from the last time you were in here."

I went to sit down in one of the couches Joshua had installed for the humans who spent much of their time in here with the Autobots.

"I was watching TV and everything about what happened in Australia showed up. A couple of weeks ago, I had been far too upset to even pay attention to the New York report, but now it's all just hitting me. All those innocent people lost their lives and their homes. It's just not fair," I explained.

"I understand your despair, but you musn't let it consume you. I myself get upset at the loss of human lives, especially at the hands of my own kind, but I can't let that effect me. What you must realize is that you are not at fault for those lives lost in Australia and in New York. You simply helped save the lives that weren't lost. That's the way you must think about it, Rosalie."

I gaped at him. I had never thought of it that way.

"I see where you're coming from," I said.

"I can also see why you may be effected by it. I have been fighting the same war my whole life, while you have been caught in the middle of two different ones in the span of a year. Over the years, I have grown accustomed to the fact that in war you will gain and you will lose. You are still very new to the concept, and hopefully, you won't have to deal with the conception of war any longer," he explained.

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