Fight to the Death

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Galvatron was most definitely not easy to defeat. He put up an incredible fight and I wasn't even positive we would defeat him. Many of our men had already lost the battle. It was mostly the Australians we were losing, but our men were being taken down as well and all in all, it was a sad scene to watch.

Thankfully, the Autobots were pulling through. They were fighting hard and bravely against Galvatron. Their determination amazed me. I honestly don't think I could stand watching one of my Autobot family members perish. I had seen that once, or thought I had seen it once, and I never want to see it again. Thinking about it just made me all the more intent on doing what I came here to do in the first place.

I couldn't stand watching this at all. I got up from my spot beside Gracie that was behind an overturned car and ran towards Will. He looked at me wide eyed, but I just ignored it.

"I need you to give me the grenade and the launcher. Like now, please," I declared.

He gave me another look and I ducked away from the flying debris.

"This isn't a toy, Rose. I can't just give it to you. You don't even know how to use it," he countered.

"You don't know half of what I know. Give it to me," I demanded.


"I'm so sick of this shit," I muttered.

Quickly, while he had his gun in his hand, I made my move. I latched on tightly to the launcher on his back and tore it away from him. Before he had the time to think, I reached into his bag and grabbed the medium sized grenade. After doing so, I ran away from him and out into the streets.

I heard my name being yelled multiple times, but ignored each one of them. I made my way past many collapsed buildings and many bodies. I dodged the Autobots as they fought, careful not tread in their path. I did not want to get stepped on at a time like this.

I came to an alley opening and stepped into it. Even though I was now hiding behind a trash can, I could see clearly everything that was happening out on the field. Most of the soldiers were searching around to see where I had gone, along with Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Hound and Dino. The rest of them continued to fight Galvatron and his minions.

None of them thought to look for me in the alley though, so I took this as an opportunity to load the grenade into the launcher. I pushed the ammo into what I assumed to be its designated firing hole. I locked it and looked back out to the field.

On top of the nearest roof, Optimus was firing many shots at Galvatron. Galvatron tried to fight back, but it was no use. He was growing weaker and Optimus clearly had the upper hand. My chance was nearing. All I needed was one shot and this would all be over and I will have finally repaid the Autobots for what they've done for me. .for us.

Optimus shot Galvatron once more. It struck him in the chest which sent him flying off the roof and onto the streets below. Since Galvatron was down, I ran out from the alley and into the streets. I ran as fast as I could past the Autobots and the soldiers. Many of them began yelling my name as they saw me.

A loud shot was fired behind me, but I didn't stop running. I was about four hundred feet away from Galvatron when I felt it. .

The scorching heat and the familiar wind. I felt like I had just been thrown in a volcano and left out to let the lava dry. I was flipping through the air at a speed so fast, not even Optimus, who was standing roughly one hundred feet away, could save me. I could feel the air escaping my lungs and the oxygen leaking out of my brain.

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