Reinforcements & Old Friends

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Being up at eight o'clock in the morning was most definitely not my cup of tea, but Joshua just had to insist that we make a last minute trip to Washington DC. Gracie and I were in my bathroom doing our makeup. I don't even know why considering the fact that it'll probably be ruined in ten to twelve hours.

I finished applying a layer of smoky brown eye shadow and black eyeliner before doing my mascara. After putting on two coats of my Maybelline 'Falsies' mascara, I was finally finished with my makeup. I grabbed my small utensil bag and walked out of the bathroom, throwing it into my pink Nike duffle bag as I did. I dressed myself in a silver striped shirt, a tan denim jacket, skinny jeans and my tan ankle boots. I let my naturally curly hair down to dry and headed down the stairs, my bag draped over my shoulder.

"Okay. I'm finally ready," I said hoarsely, tossing my bag down onto the couch beside my father and Uncle Josh.

This morning I discovered I had my voice back, although, not completely. I was still a little bit hoarse and my throat still somewhat hurt, but other than that I was fine. I wasn't even sick anymore, yet I still sneezed from time to time.

"Where's Grace and Jason?" Lynleigh asked.

"Right here," Gracie pointed out.

Jason was running down the stairs behind her.

"Alright, then I guess we're ready to go," Joshua said getting up off of the couch and heading over to the front door.

I groaned and picked my bag up off of the couch and headed out the door, the rest following behind Joshua and I. All four of the Autobots were resting in the drive way in their alternate modes. Gracie and I walked over to Bumblebee while Lynleigh and Jason made their way over to Drift and Hound.

"I'll see you in a few hours," my dad said.

I nodded and hugged him before throwing my bag into the backseat of Bee's alt mode and getting in the driver's side of the car, Gracie doing the same after she parted from my dad. I watched as my dad said his temporary goodbyes to Jason and Lynleigh before hopping into Crosshairs's cabin with Uncle Josh. We sped off after Crosshairs and the rest of them. I was not looking forward to this nine hour ride at all.

"Oh my gosh. I didn't pack any food. I am going to die," I exclaimed while hitting my head up against Bee's window.

Gracie gave me a look from the passenger's seat.

"What is it with you and food? One day you're going to be fat. You're already getting squidgy as it is, I mean damn girl. Stop eating," she teased.

"You know, you're a raging dick. Like, you really just hurt my feelings." I said, my voice cracking.

Gracie snorted loudly and covered her mouth. I glared at her as she laughed.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it."

"Bee, can you turn on the radio so I don't have to listen to this she-bitch's voice anymore?" I asked him jokingly.

Gracie laughed harder and the radio came on. The song playing was Eminem and Rihanna's 'Monster'.

I groaned.

All they ever had on the radio these days were songs from like 2013 and 2014. These songs were great when I was fifteen and sixteen years old, but hearing them all the time annoyed the piss out of me. I mean it was 2017 for crying out loud. It didn't hurt to play some new music once in a while.

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