Blood Sweat & Tears

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

My head throbbed, my wrist hurt and I could feel a very sharp pain in my rib cage. I was still laying on the ground, the bot walking slowly towards me, his gun cocked. I sat up slowly, hissing at the pain in my ribs. I felt something warm trailing down the side of my face and lifted up my good arm to touch it. I scrunched my face up as my eyes met the crimson colored liquid, but quickly wiped it on my shirt and looked back to the bot. He was still walking towards me, so I got up quickly, ignoring the pain in my ribs, and began running again only for my trembling legs to give out on me as I rounded the corner. I let out a pained cry as I landed on my already injured wrist and flipped myself over to look at the robot. He was still stalking towards me. I stared at him before scrambling backwards to try and get away from him. As he got closer to me, he armed his gun and aimed it at me. My eyes widened in fear and the tears streamed down my face. My heart felt like it was ready to burst from my chest.

Suddenly, another shot sounded and the robot in front of me stumbled backwards but quickly recovered and aimed his gun at something behind me. I was far too frightened to even turn around. Three more shots sounded and the robot stumbled again, this time escaping through the giant hole in the wall. I watched as he retreated, the fear still coursing through my body.

I felt something cold touch my back, and I jumped back, startled. I turned around to see Bumblebee staring at me, a dismal and angry expression etched into his features. I sighed in relief and looked down at my blood covered hands.

"Thank you," I croaked out.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and slowly tried to stand up, using my good arm as leverage, but my legs trembled yet again and I fell forward, only to be caught by Bee's finger. Without warning, he scooped me up in his hand and began walking towards the hangar. He entered through the doorway and walked towards my dad, Will, Josh, Epps, and five of the Autobots. I wondered where the rest of them were. My dad and Uncle Josh were pacing around while Epps and Will were speaking to Skids, Mudflap, Jolt, Sunstreaker, and Crosshairs. The sound of Bee's footsteps caught my dad and Joshua's attention. They took no time in running over to me.

"Rosalie!" my dad exclaimed in a relieved tone.

Bee set me down on the ground and I sat there. My dad rushed over to my side and engulfed me in a tight hug. I whimpered when he squeezed my ribs, causing him to jump back. He stared at me and then at the blood on my face.

"Are you okay, Rose?" Uncle Josh asked, kneeling down to my level.

I just nodded. They didn't need to worry about me. They gave me weird looks.

"Don't let her lie to you," I heard a voice from above me say.

I sighed.

Damn you, Bumblebee.

"I mean it's pretty obvious that you're not. You've got a huge gash in your head that's bleeding, and you're clutching your wrist as if it may fall off, Rosalie," Uncle Josh said.

I looked down to see my right hand wrapped tightly around my left wrist. I quickly ripped it away, leaving a bloody hand print on my arm.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me," I told them, going to stand up.

Thankfully, I didn't fall down this time. I began walking towards the Hangar door when someone grabbed me. I screamed out in pain as they roughly pulled me back, but they quickly released me. I clutched my rib cage and tried to catch my breath.

"Rosalie, tell us what's wrong," my dad said.

"I said I'm fine. I'll heal, just stop worrying about me, please," I said rather bitterly.

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