A Tragic Ending

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Currently, I was hidden behind an overturned taxi cab, which sat in the rubble of other destroyed cars, watching the great battle take place in front of me. The bots had destroyed our hiding place in the telephone booth, so we were forced to flee and I took off by myself.

The deafening sound of gunfire and explosions rattled inside my ears. I covered my head to protect myself from the flying debris and the dead robot bodies that had made their way through the air.

The Autobots fought bravely and courageously. With years of training and fighting experience, they easily outmatched the enemy bots, but the enemy bots had one advantage: they outnumbered us by the hundreds, and with more coming in, I feared it would soon be too late for us and for them as well.

Lynleigh sat over in a corner that used to belong to a taxing office, while Jason tried his best to shield her from the destruction. Gracie had fled with my dad and Joshua, and they were now over by a pillar at the opposite end of the battlefield. My dad had his alien gun cocked up, focusing on shooting down the enemy bots all while Joshua was trying to protect Gracie in the process.

Lennox and his men were scattered across the battlefield, taking down the enemy bots as best as they possibly could. I respected them solely for the amount of bravery they possessed. One by one, they shot down the bots and, sadly, some of them were being shot down as well.

I was focusing closely on Will when I heard it. That very same whir from my nightmare. The very familiar, yet the very distressed whir tore my attention away from the brave soldier. I scanned over the battlefield, desperately searching for the yellow bot it had come from, but with no such luck. It sounded again and panic overtook my body. I scanned harder until my eyes finally landed on the yellow bot. He was struggling in the grip of a very familiar tan robot. I recognized him to be Galvatron. I could've swore not even five minutes ago, he was on top of the Empire State Building. I slowly inched away from the soot-covered cab and slid over behind a pillar, coating my black jeans in a layer of dust as I did so.

"Bumblebee," I called softly.

His gaze locked with mine, sadness deep in his optics. He shook his head at me as if telling me not to interfere. Galvatron reached behind him and took out a very large sword. My eyes widened in horror. This can't be happening. So, this was his idea of revenge on what Optimus did in Hong Kong? Killing one of his closest companions and friends? If that's the case, then it was outrageously stupid.

I removed myself from my spot behind the pillar and began running towards Bumblebee, who looked at me, fear now in his blue optics. .fear for me. I heard someone yell my name and then I was tackled to the ground. I cried out at the pain in my rib cage, but quickly shook it off. I struggled in my captor's grip, trying to get free, only failing. I flipped myself around to look at Bumblebee.

"We had a good run, Rose. Stay safe-little lady," he said to me. .the same exact words from my nightmare.

The tears spilled out of my eyes as I watched him raise the sword above Bee. I struggled harder than ever, just hoping I could find some way to help him. I let out a whimper as I was pinned back to the ground.

"Bumblebee! No, no, no! Please don't!" I yelled.

Galvatron turned his attention towards me. He gave me one of the most sinister smiles I had ever seen, on a robot or human alike, and turned back to the yellow bot. I cried out as he plunged the blade deep into his chest.

"BUMBLEBEE! NO! PLEASE!" I cried as I thrashed around on the ground.

I watched in horror as his metal body hit the ground. His still-blue optics met my gaze for a fraction of a second before dimming and finally going out. I sobbed loudly as I stared at the lifeless yellow mech in front of me. A strong aching pain made its way throughout my body and I fell limp. Everything else going on around me suddenly seemed irrelevant. My best friend was just killed. .right in front of my face, and there was nothing that I could do to even help him.

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