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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Talk about deja vu. I had been in this same situation just a week ago and I wasn't too fond of it. All I wanted was for the Earth to be rid of Galvatron and his stupid little minions for good. You'd think Megatron or Galvatron or whatever the hell his name is, would be tired of this planet by now considering every time he's tried to take control of the planet, he's been defeated by the Autobots.

I was getting sick of all this war shit though. Aside from ridding the planet of Galvatron, I wanted nothing more than for all of this to be over. I hated being in danger and I also didn't like the fact that my family was constantly in danger as well and I didn't just mean Gracie, Lynleigh, Jason, Uncle Josh, and my dad. I meant the Autobots and the soldiers as well.

They always fought hard for us, and even after all that the humans have done to them, they haven't forsaken us. That's something that confused me yet gave me an incredible amount of respect for them. Their determination and bravery is what has kept us all alive and today would be the day that I would repay them for it.

Just like a week ago in New York, I was hidden behind the ruins of some structure with Lynleigh, Jason, Gracie and Uncle Josh. The Autobots, the soldiers, and my dad were out on the battlefield fighting the enemy robots. Explosions and gunshots rattled the inside of my eardrums while dust and debris clouded the atmosphere.

"This is the last time I let some dumb ass government official encourage me to build an army of robots. You're going to save the world, they said. Just listen to us, they said. DAMNIT. I'm so sick of this shit!" Joshua exclaimed.

I gave him a look.

"Now is not the time, Joshua!"

Another shot sounded and before I knew it, a missile exploded on the ground beside us, causing me to scream. Jason grabbed my hand and lead us towards a large pillar. Dust and dirt sprayed us and we slid down to take cover from the fire.

Lennox, Epps and my dad came running over to us, several items in their hands. They were covered in gun powder and dirt which is something that disgusted me, not that I looked any different.

"Here. Put these on and quick," Will said as they all handed us a bulletproof vest and a weapon's belt.

I put on the vest but stared at the belt.

"What am I supposed to do with this? I don't know how to shoot a gun!"

"Just take it! You remember what I said back in New York? You're a soldier now, Rosalie!" Will remarked.

I just sighed and tied the belt around my waist. The weapons made it kind of heavy, but other than that it was very comfortable. More explosions sounded and we all ducked in cover. After the building debris stopped falling, everyone steadied themselves and Epps began talking.

"Now, we've got Galvatron on top of yet another building in the center of the city. The building is about two and a half miles from this location. Optimus, Crosshairs, Sideswipe, the twins and the two wreckers have already scouted ahead.

"Our plan is to surround Galvatron. We're going to get rid of as many of his mechanical henchmen as possible. We've got the Royal Australian Air Force and the Australian Defense Force coming to help us out as well. We're going to get rid of these retched things once and for all, got it?" he explained quickly.

We all shared an understanding nod.

"Good. Now, let's get to it!" he exclaimed and started running towards the battlefield.

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