Bright Lights

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

A bright white light illuminated through my eyelids and a loud beeping noise pounded in my ears. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I was surrounded by white walls and numerous beeping machines. I looked down and saw that I was in one of those hideous hospital gowns. An IV was also hooked up to my arm. I grimaced and reached over to yank the needle out of my flesh only to be stopped by a hand.

In the chair beside my bed, my dad sat. He raised an eyebrow at me, but also had a very joyful look plastered onto his face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he spoke.

He withdrew his hand and smiled at me.

"Why am I in here?" I croaked out.

He sighed and placed a magazine on my bedside table.

"You passed out and have several injuries. You've been out for three days, Rose."

"Three days?" I asked.

He nodded. I looked around the room. It was rather big. A flat screen TV, which was switched on to The CW, hung on the wall. There was a couch at the opposite end of the room and a bathroom too. I noticed that my dad was the only one in here and frowned.

"Where is everyone? Where are we?" I asked him.

"They are in the cafeteria. I wanted to stay here in case you woke up. And at the moment, we are in Chicago," he explained.

"But, how?"

"Private jet and a massive team of medics. Insurance doesn't pay for out of country incidents," he chuckled.

I nodded. The door to the room suddenly opened and Gracie, Jason, Uncle Josh and Lynleigh came through the door. Oddly enough, Lynleigh was carrying Avery on her hip and it was weird considering she hated babies. Their chatter gave me a headache, but once they saw that I was awake, they hushed. Gracie sat her food down on the table and rushed over to me, as did the rest of them.

"SHE'S ALIVE!" Uncle Josh yelled as he ran over to me.

I winced at the loudness of his words, but smiled at him. Lynleigh marched over and as soon as Avery saw me, she held her arms out to me. I took her from Lynleigh's arms and held her against my chest. She hugged me tightly and laid her head in the crook of my neck.

"You're awake," Gracie exclaimed.

"Obviously," Lynleigh retorted.

Gracie shot her a glare but Lynleigh only laughed.

"Watch it, Cammy," Gracie warned.

Lynleigh's eyes widened and her face twisted in annoyance. I raised a brow at them.

"Am I missing something here?" I asked.

"Yesterday, Lynleigh was talking about how her toes looked like camel toes. She had no clue what a camel toe actually was, so we thought it was hilarious. After we told her what they were, Gracie started calling her Cammy," Jason explained.

I snorted but quickly covered my mouth.

"What eighteen year old doesn't know what a camel toe is?" I teased.

Lynleigh glared at me, but I just laughed harder.

"Okay. That's enough," my dad chided.

"Anyways, how are you feeling?" Uncle Josh asked me.

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