Home Sweet Home

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Today was the day that I was finally going home and I couldn't be happier. Being stuck inside a hospital for almost a week absolutely sucked. The food here was horrible and the bed was so uncomfortable, which made me all the more excited to get home and lay in my own bed for the first time in weeks. I also couldn't wait to see everyone, especially the Autobots. I feel like it had been years since I've seen them, but today would rid my mind of that feeling.

I limped over to the closet and grabbed the clothes I had came in here with. Dad had brought me a new set of clothes to change into, so I threw the nasty and shredded clothes into my bag and threw it on the bed. After changing into a pair of jean shorts and a black tank top, I grabbed my black ankle boot and placed it on my right foot. I was finally ready to go.

My room door opened and my dad walked in.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes. Finally. Just let me grab my bag," I told him.

I limped over to the bed and grabbed my bag before limping back over to my dad. He held the door open for me and I walked out, him following closely behind me.

The elevator ride felt like it was taking forever. All I wanted was to get out of this building.

After what felt like hours, the doors to the ground floor finally opened. I limped out as fast as I could and then followed my dad outside. He walked to a black Range Rover that sat on the curb and opened the passenger's side door for me. I gave him a confused look, but hopped in. I looked at him as he got into the car and pulled off onto the highway.

"Is this an Autobot that I have yet to meet or. .?" I asked.

He only laughed.

"No. The Autobots are all kind of occupied at the moment so I had no other choice but to take Joshua's car," he explained.


"Don't sound so sad. You'll see them soon," he told me.

I just nodded and looked out the window. Cars and trees sped past in a blur. The only sound that could be heard inside the cabin of the car was the light hum of an RnB singer on the radio. After a few more minutes, dad pulled off on the exit that led to our neighborhood. We passed about two houses before finally coming to our driveway. He pulled in and parked the car.

None of the Autobot's car's were in the driveway and that made me kind of upset, but instead of moping, I opened the door and carefully hopped onto the pavement. I grabbed my bag from the backseat and limped towards the house. Dad opened up the door and I stepped in, taking in the fresh scent of the house that I had missed so much over these past few weeks.

I walked into the family room and threw my bad down onto the recliner before laying down on the leather sofa. I closed my eyes, but opened them again when I heard footsteps nearing me. My dad stopped and looked down at me.

"Mind going out back to the shed to get me my phone?" he asked me.

I gave him a dirty look.

"Why can't you do it? As you can tell, I have a gimpy foot."

"Just go get it. And walking helps," he said and took off down the hallway.

I rolled my eyes and got up. I trudged over and opened up the door that leads to the pool. After almost tripping over tables and chairs, I finally managed to make it to the gate that leads to our enormous backyard.

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