Tortured Soul

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

It's been three days since that horribly tragic day back in New York City. For days, all over the news, images and video tapes of the ruined city of New York played immensely. Memorials for lost ones lay in the rubble of the city. Over one hundred thousand people were killed, even a few celebrities I had grown very fond of over the years had perished, such as: Paul Wesley, Perrie Edwards, Chris Pratt, Rihanna and Lucy Hale. Thousands of homes and buildings had also been destroyed, and the state and the nation were working hard to help rebuild it. Again, the government tried to cover it up as some sort of terrorist attack, but everyone knew or had a very good idea as to why it happened and who caused it.

Right now, I was sitting in my temporary bedroom in NEST's Tranquility Base in Nevada. I had learned that while I was asleep the day we left for New York, the entire Washington DC base had been destroyed, leaving nothing left, so I was brought here after Will had ordered Sideswipe to get me out of the city and somewhere safe. They had lost Galvatron that day. Him and his entire army fled the city shortly after I had been taken away. Why? I don't know, and personally I didn't care. We'd see them again, this time bigger and better than ever, but this time, I'd be the one out for revenge.

Twelve hours later, everyone ended up here aside from a few of Will's soldiers who were killed in battle and. .Bumblebee.

I still couldn't get over the fact that he was actually gone and it was all thanks to Galvatron. Never in my life had I felt so much hatred. I've spent the past three days isolated inside my room. I wouldn't talk to anyone or any bot and I could barely even function. I felt so numb, lost, angry, and hurt and I didn't know how to deal with it. The part of me that had been stitching itself up for the better part of a year was ripped away from me. .yet again. There was an empty feeling inside of me, one that only he could fill.

I was sitting at the computer desk in my room. I grabbed my phone and headphones off the table. My dad and the rest them had made a pit stop in Chicago on the way here, and they picked me up a few things, like clothes, shoes, and my phone. I plugged the headphones into my phone and pressed the home button, my wallpaper immediately catching my attention. I stared at the picture of Bee and I that was being displayed on the small phone screen. I could feel the tears pricking in my eyes, so I quickly unlocked my phone, going to the music app and putting it on shuffle.

The sound of Lea Michele's 'If You Say So' filled my ears. I sighed. How ironic. I sat back and listened to the lyrics. It was scary how most of them fit my current situation. I tried to hold back the tears as I listened.

This wasn't fair at all. He wasn't supposed to leave me. He promised me that I would never lose him. He promised me that he would always be there when I needed him, and now when I need him the most he isn't here. He was my best friend. He saved me, but I couldn't even save him. I watched in horror as his life was taken away from him. The fact that he was still more concerned for my safety than his own life pained me more than anything else in the world. It doesn't seem real.

The song ended and I broke down, the aching pain in my chest returning. I ripped the headphones from my ears and put my phone on the desk, before hugging my knees to my chest, ignoring the pain that followed. My sobs echoed through the room. I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. I wanted my life back. I wanted Bumblebee back. I couldn't take it anymore. I was supposed to be strong, but I couldn't. This had broken me. .shattered me.

For the past three days, people have been telling me that everything is going to be okay or that I'm going to be fine. My question is when. When is it going to be okay? When am I going to be fine? I feel as if I'll never know. I haven't felt this way in two years. .ever since my mom died, but this was worse. It may sound bad, but it's true. Bumblebee was my missing piece after my mom had died and without him I just felt so lost.

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