Final Decision

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

I groaned and opened up my eyes, the world around me becoming suddenly blurry. Sighing, I reached over to the bedside table and searched around for my glasses, but with no such luck. I heard a whir and turned my head to stare at the blurry mech beside me in the corner. He was holding something out to me. I took it and noticed that they were my glasses. Relieved, I put them on and looked at Bumblebee. He studied my face.

"I like those on you. You actually look smart for once," he said in his real voice.

I gave him a dirty look.

"You're such a jerk. I don't even know why I'm friends with you," I pouted.

I went to get off the bed, but a hand grabbed me. Bee pulled me into his chest and sort of hugged me. I pushed away from him.

"Nope. I don't like you. Get away. You're gross," I teased.

"But, I love you," he told me.

That's the first time he's actually ever told me that.

"Well, I hate you. Put me down," I teased again.

He didn't seem to catch on to my teasing tone though. He let out a sad whir and slowly lowered me to the floor. I looked up to see sadness in his optics. He looked at me as I stepped to the floor and I immediately felt bad.

"Why are you upset?"

"You hate me," he said using the radio.

I blinked at him and tried to hold back my laughter.

"I wasn't really mad at you. How could I be?" I laughed. He rolled his optics. "And. .I love you, Bee," I told him.

He whirred happily and playfully pushed me to the floor with his finger. A slight pain coursed through my body and I winced. Bumblebee looked worriedly at me. I gave him a reassuring smile and got up.

"My ribs aren't healed all the way, Bee. Just be careful next time," I chuckled.

He gave me an apologetic look and I patted his arm before walking over to Gracie's bed.

She was fast asleep in the queen sized bed. Her mouth hung open and her pants were off underneath the covers. I had no clue why either. She was drooling as well and I snickered. I motioned for Bee to come over, and he did. He laughed at her sleeping state.

I ran over to the computer desk and grabbed my phone. I opened up the camera app and took a picture of Gracie. I'm going to bring back 'Woman Crush Wednesday'. I giggled before laying my phone back down and jumping onto the bed. I jumped up and down on the bed, trying to get her to wake up. She shifted in bed before opening her eyes and looking at me and Bumblebee. I laughed at the expression on her face.

"What the hell are you two doing?" she asked us with an annoyed tone.

I tried to jump on her.

She jumped out of bed to dodge me. I stopped jumping and laughed harder. She was wearing Walking Dead underwear that read "I'd throw my squirrel at Daryl Dixon" on the butt. Bee whirred and covered his optics. Gracie soon realized she wasn't wearing pants and nearly tripped over the carpet to retrieve some. I felt like I was dying, I was laughing so hard.

"You're such a nerd," I said through my fits of laughter.

"Shut up, skank. I'm not afraid to fight you," she said while pulling her jeans on all the way.

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