Preparations and Small Talk

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

I couldn't breathe and I felt myself choking. Quickly, I sat up. The pain in my head grew stronger and my ribs burned in agony. I struggled for air, the choking sensation getting stronger. I coughed loudly into my hand and widened my eyes at the sight in front of me. My hand was covered in the warm crimson colored liquid. I went to get up, but realized I was still in Bumblebee's hand. I hid my hand behind my back and turned to him, pain coursing through my body as I did so. I tried to fight the tears so he wouldn't worry, but it was no use. I coughed again, this time blood splattering all over the palm of Bumblebee's hand. He looked at me with a worried expression as I cried.

Suddenly, I felt myself moving. Bee was hurriedly making his way through the Hangar doors. All attention turned to us as Bee strode over. My dad quickly got out of his seat and ran over. Bee crouched down to his level and held me out to him.

"What happened to her?" he asked frantically.

"Coughing-blood-crying," Bee's radio said.

My dad took me from Bee's hand and carried me over to Will, Epps, and the other Autobots.

"Penelope's off today. Jolt can examine her. Lay her down on the table," Will said.

I felt a cold surface against my back. Jolt came over to me and looked me over as if he was scanning me.

"There's nothing serious wrong with her. Two of her ribs have just been broken, and the reason for her coughing up blood is because the impact from whatever managed to break them, ruptured an air sack, sending blood and other fluids into her lungs. It will heal and the foreign fluids will eventually find their way out of her lungs.

"I suggest she takes it easy and continues to take those pain pills that Penelope has given her. Her ribs should be healed in three to four weeks if she manages to follow my instructions." Jolt explained.

"Rose, please tell me you didn't do anything stupid when you left yesterday," Uncle Josh remarked.

I pursed my lips.

"I may have tripped and fallen over a piece of the rubble, but that's all," I said and coughed again.

I heard a few sighs.

"See? I told you," Epps said.

"I know. I'm sorry. My medicine was making me just a little bit loopy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go clean myself up. .along with Bumblebee's hand that I rudely bled into," I told them before very carefully getting off the table and walking towards the yellow mech.

"Come on."

Bee and I walked out of the doors and down the ruined hallway. I still didn't understand why we were still here, but I didn't question it. I came to a bathroom door and walked inside. I washed my bloody hands and then grabbed a wet paper towel. I walked back out the door and motioned for Bee to put his hand down.

"Sorry," I said as I wiped the blood off of his servo.

"Don't worry about it-little lady," he told me.

I smiled and threw the paper towel away once I was finished.

"So, what now?" I asked him.

He just shrugged.


"This is so boring," Gracie whined.

We were sitting in the Autobot Hangar watching everyone as they prepared for the great battle. Will and his team were preparing their weapons and all that kind of stuff while the Autobots were just discussing something that I didn't necessarily feel compelled to listen to.

"Tell me about it," Lynleigh said. "We've been sitting here for like two hours watching men strut around, putting guns into weird looking vehicles. I mean some of them are pretty damn hot, but it doesn't make it fun."

I laughed. Will was walking over to us with three weird vests in his hands.

"Here, these are for you three," he said tossing them to us.

I studied it. It was big and bulky and really heavy.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A bulletproof vest. You're gonna need it," he told me before walking back to his men.

"Let's go chill with the Autobots. They seem a lot more fun than this," I said getting up.

Gracie and Lynleigh sighed before standing up and following me. I walked over and sat against Bee's leg while Lynleigh sat against Hound's and Gracie sat with me.

"What brings you lot over here?" Roadbuster asked us.

"We were bored and you guys looked rather fun," I said.

"Well, how are you feeling, young Rosalie?" Jolt asked me.

"I'm feeling pretty exhausted and I'm in pain, but oh well."

"Maybe you should rest. You'll need your energy," Sideswipe told me.

"What for? The little girl ain't even gon' be doin' nothin' 'cept grovelin' on tha ground because she broke her precious nail. Can't we just leave her here?" I heard Skids remark.

Again? Really?

"Okay, listen. I'm tired of your shit, Skids. Just leave me alone. You really don't want to see me get mad," I retorted.

"Could you two please go five minutes without arguing?" Sunstreaker asked.

I scoffed.

"He started it."

"She disrespected me and my bro. I don't let shit like that fly," he whined.

"Shove it, dick," I told him.

"You keep on."

"I will. You won't do anything anyway," I said calmly.

"What makes you think I won't?"

"Because you're scared of Bumblebee and I sure as hell know you wouldn't last three seconds against him, so you keep on and see what happens. I'm just minding my own business but you always have something to say to me or about me. I had enough of that shit in high school and I most definitely don't need it from you," I shot back.

He was silent and I smirked.

"So, Rosalie. ." Lynleigh said.

I looked at her.


"I really have no clue. I'm just trying to ease the tension," she said.

"Well, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." I told her while laying down on the floor.

"It's three oh seven, Rose," Grace said.

"Oh well. Good day. Leave me alone, please," I announced and closed my eyes.

Maybe the floor wasn't such a good idea, but I'd be okay. I soon drifted off to the sound of hushed chatter around me.

*This is a short chapter but I honestly didn't know what to write and I certainly didn't just want to jump to the next chapter without a filler. I apologize.*

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