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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

The Nevada sun felt warm on my olive skin. I had been out here for a considerable amount of time. Bumblebee wouldn't stop hounding me over what Gracie and I had been fussing about and neither would Lynleigh. Quite frankly, it was getting on my ever lasting nerves so I just left them without an explanation. I had to get away from the constant questions being thrown my way.

Right now I was sitting outside of the aircraft hangar, just lost in my thoughts. I heard the sound of heavy footsteps headed towards me. Walking out of the hangar tunnel was none other than Optimus Prime.

"What brings you out here, Rose?" he asked me as he went to sit against the side of the building. I thought it was pretty funny how odd it looked.

"Just annoyed with my friends' incessant ways," I told him.


"And Lynleigh and Gracie. Gracie has been after me for a few days over a decision I had made. She doesn't want me to do it, but she doesn't understand why I need to. And Lynleigh and Bumblebee are set on finding out what it is and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Gracie told them even after I specifically told her not to speak of it to anyone," I explained.

"Well, is it something that could harm you in any way?" he asked

"It's quite possible, almost certain even. But, I don't really care. I'm not doing it for myself," I told him.

"Have you ever thought that maybe Gracie is just looking out for you and that your sister and Bumblebee are worried about what it may be?"

"Well, yeah. But, it's not going to change my decision. It's a very personal decision to me," I responded.

"I will not tell you what to do. You are entitled to your own freedom, and I will not disrespect that. But, just think about how this decision could possibly effect your family. .effect the Autobots," he said.

I shot him a look.

"Why would it effect you?"

"Believe it or not, the Autobots and myself are quite fond of you, your family and Gracie. You have all fought bravely for us and with us. You have risked your lives for us countless times and have even stuck by us through all of this. You even went against your own species to help us, which was strange, yet admirable," he explained to me.

I sighed.

It still didn't make up for the countless times that they've saved our lives or the times they've risked absolutely everything to help us. Optimus almost got himself killed just for saving my father, but instead of telling him that, I just answered the last part of his sentence.

"Well, what can I say. Humans nowadays are irrevocably ignorant. They don't realize that this isn't only their planet. There are beings on Earth much more primitive than they are. They're just too afraid to admit that to themselves. That's probably why everyone felt so threatened when you guys showed up and probably why everyone was so against you guys being here. Humans are very territorial and will do absolutely anything for power.

"I think the reason for us siding with you is because we knew that what they were doing was wrong and they needed to be stopped. They couldn't handle the thought of a species much bigger and much better than them taking over their precious little planet, although that isn't what the Autobots were trying to do, so they decided to eliminate you all," I told him.

"You speak as if you are not human, Rosalie," he said.

I shrugged.

"Sometimes I wish I weren't. I myself hate humans. If I had the choice, I'd be a shark or a T-Rex or even one of you guys because I like your guns. But since T-Rex's are extinct, that dream is pretty much a no-go," I said.

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