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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

"Who is that?" Lynleigh asked as we approached the group.

She pointed to Avery and I just sighed.

"Her name is Avery. I saved her," I explained.

My dad turned to me and gave me a confused look.

"Saved her from what?"

"Her parents were killed and I didn't want her to be alone so I saved her."

"How old is she?" Lynleigh asked.


"Aw. She's cute," Joshua cooed.

I just laughed.

"OKAY! Enough chit chat. We're on a mission here. Civilians, you need to go somewhere and hide. We don't need to risk any more lives than need be, especially that little girl's. Now, off you go," the Australian commander told us.

He got his men together along with my dad and Lennox's men and they were off. Wow, thanks for just leaving us here, I thought.

"So, that building over there. We need to get to it. We'll hide inside it for the time being," Jason suggested and pointed to a large skyscraper across the street.

The abundance of explosions and gun fire in that certain direction scared me.

"How are we going to manage to get over there without being seen?" Gracie asked.

"It's easy. You just run as fast and as hard as your tiny legs will carry you. Now, let's go," he said and walked to the end of the alley.

We waited until the shots were at a minimum before we ran for the building. I held Avery as tight as I could as I ran across the ruined streets. I honestly don't think I could forgive myself if something happened to her right now.

We finally managed to get inside the building, no damage done whatsoever. Hiding was becoming very old to me though. Gracie, Jason, Lynleigh, Josh and I were sitting behind a reinforcement block trying to shield ourselves from the fighting going on just outside.

Avery was clinging tightly on to my shirt and silently crying into my shoulder. I could only assume that the loud sounds of the guns and explosions were scaring her and hurting her two-year old ears. I held her tightly against my body as I watched the chaos outside.

People were still running through the streets, some even getting vaporized by the guns of the advanced creatures. I hated nothing more than to watch innocent people getting hurt or even dying.

Cars were being shot at which sent them flying through the air and through already destroyed buildings and houses.

I wanted so badly to help get rid of these things but I knew that I would never make it out. I was focused on one goal and one goal only, and I wasn't even trained for this kind of thing in the first place. Watching and waiting was enough for me at the moment.

The Autobots had finally made their advance on Galvatron though. After minutes of examining everything going on in the battlefield, and watching Galvatron being shot off of the roof, I noticed something incredibly peculiar. Every time Galvatron was shot at, I noticed that the bots around him were growing weaker and weaker which caused them to go down much easier. It stunned me, but I tried my best to solve what was going on with them. It didn't take me long to do so either.

There's no possible way that Galvatron could magically make all of these prototypes come to life with just a simple command or phrase. Since they were not living or not online when Galvatron found them, he needed some sort of life force to make them all work. To make a very complicated theory short, they're life force was connected to him. They could die and nothing would happen to Galvatron himself, but if something happened to him, the bots would no longer be able to live. That's why they were getting weaker with every shot. Galvatron was getting weaker and sooner or later, he would be no more.

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