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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

I was quietly sitting at the kitchen table eating a ham and cheese sandwich when my phone beeped. Looking down I saw I had a text message from Gracie.

'Flight ran early. I forgot to text you before I got on the plane, but oh well. I'm at the airport though if you want to come and get me. Should've told you that as well, but you'll be okay. Can't wait to see you, my baerrito! Love ya!'

I rolled my eyes at her text. This is so like her. I swallowed the last bit of my sandwich and ran up to my room to grab my wallet and aviators. My dad, Joshua and Jason were sitting in the family room watching TV when I walked in.

"Hey, Gracie's flight ran early so she's at the airport now. I'm going to go get her," I explained to my dad.

He shook his head and looked at me.

"Okay. Have fun," he chuckled.

What was so funny?

I just rolled my eyes and walked out the front door, my loud footsteps catching the attention of the four Autobots and my sister. I began to feel slightly perturbed as they sat and stared at me.

"Can I help you guys with something?" I asked.

"Where are you going?" my sister asked me, noticing my wallet and phone tightly held in my hand.

"I was going to go get Gracie and I came out here to ask Bee if he would take me. Is that alright with you, Hound?"

She was silent and I smirked.

She absolutely hated when I called her that. I only did it because her and Hound's personalities were so alike. It was like they were the same person or bot or whatever. Hound had just snickered at the nickname.

"Whatever, have fun with your lover," she said as I walked toward Bee who was already resting in the driveway in his alt mode.

"Oh, I will," I called over my shoulder, receiving a chuckle from Crosshairs and Drift.

I climbed into the driver's side and closed the door. Bee sped off towards the airport.

"Lover?" Bee asked me.

I laughed.

"She's demented," I told him.

"What were you and-Drift-talking about-earlier?" he asked me.

"Shut up. I know you heard us, or at least heard part of it. I saw the way you shifted after I finished saying that one thing," I chuckled.

I could literally feel him rolling his optics.

"Did you mean it-or were you just saying it-because I-was nearby?" he asked me.

A twist of pain radiated through my body. How could he even think that? I was in no way just saying it to make him feel better.

"Of course I did. I don't know why you would dare to even ask me that, but whatever," I told him.

I felt the seat sink below me.

"I was just making sure-Rose," he said.

I scoffed. Just making sure. Wow. I'm really not good with my feelings, so what I'm about to do is going to be considerably emotional for me.

"Listen. When my mom died, I lost all hope in ever being completely happy again. It was as if a piece of me was ripped away when she died, a very very large piece. I felt myself slowly slipping away. People around me also started noticing a change in me. I realized though, that I had to keep myself together. I had to stay strong, because she sure enough wouldn't want to see me this way, so I finally got myself together but there was still that one missing piece.

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