New York

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

A loud humming noise sounded in my ears. I shot up quickly as I felt myself moving, regretting it as a sharp pain emitted from my rib cage. I looked around at my surroundings to see that I was in the backseat of Bumblebee's alt mode. We were racing down the highway. Dino and Sideswipe were beside us while Skids, Mudflap, Roadbuster, and Topspin were behind us. I looked to the front to see Crosshairs, Drift, Sunstreaker, Jolt, and Hound and several army vehicles in front of them.

"What the hell? Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're going to New York," Gracie said rather startled. "It's started already."

"Wait, how long have I been asleep?" I asked her.

It looked to be about midday outside.

"Approximately twenty four hours. So much has happened while you were asleep. I honestly don't know how you managed to sleep through it," she said, her tone dry.

I took the time to look over her features. She was covered in dirt and dust and had a few small cuts on her face and on her arms.

"What happened, Gracie?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. We're all fine," she assured me.

Then it hit me. It's starting. It's actually starting.

"I can't do this. I'm not ready. I can't do it," I said.

I was perfectly fine up until these events occurred. Almost being slaughtered by an angry robot only two days ago, shook me to the core, but I recovered from it as quickly as it had happened. Now, I was terrified. I hadn't expected this to come so soon and especially while I was asleep. I was scared. .scared that not all of us would make it through this. .scared that I myself wouldn't make it through this.

"You have to be. I'm not ready for this either, but I have to be. Remember back in Hong Kong? Remember the promise? They won't let anything happen to us and I sure as hell know that Bumblebee wouldn't let anyone or any bot lay a finger on you. You have to believe, Rose. We're going to make it out of this. All of us. We're going to be fine, okay? I promise. Just trust me, please," she lectured.

"Let's just hope that you can keep your promise."

I sat back in my seat. We were now in New York. I could tell from all the tall buildings. I didn't know how long we had been here, but I just knew that we were getting closer and closer to a certain doom. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash. I turned around to look out the back windshield. My eyes widened as I watched three missiles racing towards us. Bee swerved in the road, one of the missiles barely missing us. The missiles hit the ground, one after another, sending a cloud of dirt and pavement into the air.

"Bee, you gotta go faster. They're shooting at us!" I exclaimed as I watched two bots on top of a building shoot four more missiles at us.

I squealed as one of them landed directly behind Bee. The ground trembled, causing me to shift in my seat.

Cars were being caught in the crossfire. Several were flipping through the air as the deadly rockets hit the ground by them and some were even being hit spot on. The Autobots and Will's team raced down the highway, trying to avoid the robots.

"This is ridiculous!" Gracie yelled.

I just continued looking out the back windshield. The shots were still being fired but we evaded them as best as we could.

"Oh my gosh," I heard Gracie whisper.

I turned around in my seat to look at her, only for my brown eyes to catch sight of the ruined city in front of me.

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