The guy with the forest green eyes

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When I heard the alarm go off I knew I had to start getting ready to go to my new college. I wasn't very excited... instead I was terrified. 'What if people their laugh at me, or even worse find out that I am some kind of freak?!' I thought. I wasn't ready to go yet when I heard my mother call for me down stairs.

"Castiel!, hurry or you'll be late" is what I heard my mother say. "I'm almost ready I just need my coat!" I replied back. I hurried up and got my  trench coat as I went down stairs to get my luggage. Mom was waiting for me in the car already, so I just went ahead and walked to the car. When I got in my mother gave me a just-about-time-face.

After what had seemed to be like hours we finally arrived. I got out of the car and got my luggage. I started heading to the doors when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to see my Mom. "What, are you not going to give your mother a kiss goodbye?"she asked. I rolled my eyes making sure my mother didn't see and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She pulled me into hug and whispered into my ear"if anything happens with... you know... just call me ok?"she said. I nodded and she patted my back as I walked off.

I finished putting away my stuff when I heard the door knob rattle. I felt my heart sink all the way into my stomach as the person on the other side start opening the door. I swear I could hear that person listening to 'don't stop believing' by journey. Then I saw the guy, he had brown hair with blond highlights, light tan skin, freckles, and then his eyes.... omg... the most forest green eyes I have ever seen.

I snapped out if my trance. He smiled at me and came in and swear I could feel a slight blush  crawl up my cheeks. "Hey, I'm Dean, Dean Winchester" he said while holding out his hand. I just stared at his hand before replying" Castiel, Castiel Novak" I said still staring at his hand. I guess he noticed because he pulled away.

He then just nodded before going to get a box he left on his bed. He put away his stuff while listening to some music. I couldn't recognize some of the music but he had good taste.

*Jello people of whatpad hope u enjoyed the first chapter of this story. Tell me what u guys think or what ever you want to say to me. I'll be updating at least every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Yep, ok bye.

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