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The stars where so bright and the setting was a beautiful grassy place. I can hear music in the background playing so lightly. I look to my left and I see the most beautiful part of this whole setting. Green eyes looking deep into my blue ones. He opens his mouth to say something "beep" "beep".

I open my eyes to see that it was only a dream. I get up to turn off my annoying alarm. I decide to write my dream in my diary.

Dean is still asleep. Small quite snores come out of his mouth. Then I hear" pie". I laugh quietly to my self' I guess Dean loves pie' . Then I get an idea ' I'll bake a pie for Dean ' I get up out of my seat to get in the shower.

I hurry up and get into my car. I drove to the groceries. I buy all the things needed for a pie and drive back home. To my surprise Dean is still asleep. I go ahead and head into the kitchen.

I turn on the oven and put it at 350° degrees. I add all of the ingredients into a bowl and mix. I put the mix into a pan and put it into the oven. After maybe half an hour the pie is ready.

I see Dean walk into the kitchen with bed hair and sleepy eyes. "Mornin' Cas" Dean says with the sleepiest tone I have ever heard. "Good morning Dean... do you want pie?" I ask. As soon as I said that Dean's eyes widen.

"Yes please yes" He says with his puppy eyes. I laugh and nod as I get him a pice of pie. I hand it to him and he smiles at me. " did you make it Cas?" He says while he stuffs a fork full into his mouth. I nod and turn around to wash the dishes.

"Well it's great Cas thanks" Dean says. " You welcome Dean" I say. I turn around to see Dean is already finished with his pie. I smile at him" you ate that fast" I say with a giggle. " uhh yeah I guess.... umm can I have another pice?" He says

I nod as I hand him another pice. 'He looks so much like a puppy'  I get another pice for me and we sit their and eat in silence. "So whatcha dream about Cas?" Dean asks trying to start up a conversation. I blush slightly remembering the dream and I look down at my now empty plate.

"I dreamt about uhh money and fame" I say clearly lying. Dean nods his head and smiles down at his plate" well I dreamt about pie" he says. I laugh and Dean's looks up at me. " Don't laugh at me I didn't laugh at your dream" Dean says with a pout.

"No I was just laughing at how uhh much you really love pie" I say 'idiot you where about to call him cute'. Dean nods"uh uh what a lie" he says. Dean gets out of his seat and puts his plate in the sink. " Well I gotta go to my classes now. See ya later Cas" he says.

"See ya" I say as I wave him goodbye. I hear the door close and I go to my diary to write down our little morning chat. I am writing when I hear my phone buzz.

I look to see it is Charlie.

Cassidy how's the lover boy stuff going?- Charlie

I laugh a bit and think of what I should reply with.

Well I noticed that he does keep eye contact with me at all times, but Charlie he could just be keeping eye contact because he is respectful - Castiel

Oh trust me Cassidy just wait and see. Then you'll have your prince charming- Charlie

Yeah yeah ok bye Charles I got to go do homework- castiel


Guys sorry it's short this time but I have been feeling sick and I couldn't get much written down. I'll update next week and hopefully it will be better than this chapter. Alrighty byeeeee

To hell and back( destiel college AU)Where stories live. Discover now