I don't care I ship it

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Heyyy I'm sorry that I did not update last week but I'm here now and this is a special chapter. Oki on with the story

Charlie(finally a different point of view)

In the morning I hear that obnoxious noise known as my alarm. I rub my eyes, stretch in my bed, and move my red messy hair out of my face. Then I smell the all too amazing smell of waffles. I get up out of my bed wearing my Harry potter pjs.

Sleepy I make my way to the kitchen to see my girlfriend/roommate. Grabbing the spare spatula and smacking her butt. She jups up with a soft wine and gives me the mother look.

I laugh loudly at her response bringing her close for a kiss. We kiss for a short while till she goes back to making the waffles. "You look more tastier than those waffles your making, Susie"I say flirtatious. (Quick note I made up Susie, since I think Charlie's girlfriend needs a name)

"Ohh stop it my little red head dragon queen" Susie says with the most adorable laugh that I bet even old grumpy grandpas will think it's cute. I wrap my arms around her waist and lean next to her ear" oh but I can't, not when you look like this" I say then hitting her ear softly. "Aww sweety your really in a flirty mood this morning, but to bad that you have to get ready. Remember you where going to hang out with Cas and Dean"she says pushing me away softly while I make a self note to myself.

"Doesn't mean that I won't miss you"I say and she gives me a small kiss. "I'll miss you too, so don't leave me for to long. Also don't forget to have fun" she tells me. I give her a kiss before I walk to the bathroom to take a nice warm but quick bath.

I finish quickly and before I head out the door a rush to get a waffle and kiss my girlfriend good bye. The door closes a bit to loudly behind me as I make my way to Dean and Cas. Their dorm isn't to far away from mine, so I get there in just a few seconds. Finishing my waffle on the way.

I do the secret knock and open the door ,walk in and  to see..... them... naked.... on the... bed... letting everything hang lose. "OH MY GOODNESS" I shout running away from the disgusting view. Then there was a thump and a grump from one of them. "Oh shit..."I can hear Dean mumble.

After a few awkward moments of me waiting for them to get all princessed up, they are finally ready. They give each other awkward looks back and forth from themselves and me. I quickly get tired of it so I speak up"you know I do ship it and all but I don't ever want to see you to naked again"I say. They both agree with me "sure you won't see that part of us anymore, but please next time call when your coming over" Dean says. We shake hands as if we are people making a pack or a deal.

"SO, anyway I was thinking about going to that arcade down the street"I say and then it looks like I said the word park in front of two dogs. Their smile growing bigger as I think they imagined all the games. They rush over to their wallets and I can't help but feel like a mother. They teleport back to me and give me the anime stare.

"Take us now...or you shall pay" Cas says staring me in my eyes. "Hmm I think if you do something to me I'll make you pay"I reply to Castiels threat. Suddenly Dean drags Cas by the arm running out the door shouting"run or she'll kill us".

I laugh to myself as they remind me of children. I decide it's better not to let them get away, so running after them is a better idea. We run all the way back to Dean's now fixed impala. "Hop onto my horse my lover and I shall save you from the wicked witch" Dean says in a knight like way.

After messing around for quite some time we finally get to the magical arcade. I could see Cas run up to the claw machine dragging Dean along with. "Dean, Dean, can you win me the bee stuffy?" Cas begs him with the baby doll eyes. In the background I am fangirling to much, and I think other people think that I'm a psycho.

I decide to take a picture of Dean wining the stuffed bee for Cas. Later I head to the zombie killing games because those are my favorite. I play with ease and win giving myself a pat on the back. Just on the other side of the arcade Dean and Cas are having the time of their lives. Playing just about any game they can find.

I suddenly see in the prize area a majestic giraffe waiting for me to win it. The ticket price is 3000 'C'mon Charlie we can do it, let's win it for your girl'. I storm over to the games that have the most tickets to give. Playing each one of them till I hit their jackpot over and over. Soon enough I have enough to win me that girrafe.

'Nice job Charlie, now onward to the prizes to get us our girrafe' I swim over the sea of depressed grown men and children. Fighting with all of my might to get there. Then I reach my destination and it's as beautiful as I imagined. All the prizes hanging on the wall waiting for an owner. Sadly for them I only have one in mind. I pick the girrafe and hold it in my arms when I get it.

Pride swims over my tiny figure as o hug the girrafe tightly. 'Susie surely is going to love it'.

Soon we get very exhausted and decided it's time to head back. I offer to drive and I guess Dean didn't mind which it's quite shocking... no no very shocking. We get in the car Cas and Dean in the back cuddling and sleeping like a baby in each others arms. The drive is quite the whole way except for the occasional series of snores.

We say our goodbyes and head back to our separate dorms. I walk into mine seeing my sweet love bird reading on the couch. I sit next to her revealing the fluffy girrafe. She gives me a loving hug while butterflies fill my stomach. The smell of her strawberry shampoo in her dark brown curls takes me in.

We watch tv both hugging our new son 'Gerard the girrafe'. We both don't fall asleep until it's 4 in the morning. Sleeping in a warm peaceful rest.

Sorry for not updating last week I was busy........ Sleeping. Yep sleep I needed it. After not sleeping at all for like I don't know ..... each night. Anyyyy way did you like today's chapter hop ya did. Okiiiiiiiiii byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =3

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