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So I have decided to keep a gurnal and record all the steps I am going to do with Dean in it. Charlie said that it's not called a gurnal if I use it that way she says it called a Diary. Honestly I don't really now. Well I haven't started the steps yet ... cause honestly I don't know really how or when I should start. Charlie told me it's now or never so I guess I'm going to try out the first one in my gurnal... uhh diary.

Dean came into the dorm after his classes. He looked a bit tired but smiled when he saw me at my desk" hey Cas, how's it going?" Dean asks. I smile and try not to blush or look away" it's going great now that your here" say a in a flirty type way. Dean looks at me quite shocked but replies any way" aww were ya missing me Cas" he says with a smirk on his face.

I look into his eyes getting this strange  confidence. " I don't know maybe, what would you do if I didn't miss ya?" I say. Dean looks me dead in the eyes " Well I'll have to rethink about our friendship" he says.  'God I love his voice when he gets like this'.

I laugh and look away" hey umm Dean would you like to I donno maybe get some food?" I say or mumble I'm not to sure. Dean smirks at me even more than he was before. " Is that a date Castiel?" Dean asks. I blush and shake my head" no just a friendly gesture" I say covering my blush.

He nods and gets one of his CDs .           " Alright but where going in my car and I pic the place" he says. I smile ear to ear'  idiot stop smiling like that you'll weird out Dean'. We head to his impala and I still can't get over how amazing his car is. We get in and he puts in the CD he had brought with him from the dorm.

We drive off sitting in silence listening to the music, but it surprisingly not awkward. Instead it's kinda nice..
The song fly by night plays in the background, and I can see Dean lip singing by the corner of my eye. ' wow he's so amazing'  I smile to myself as I thought this. Dean looks over at me " whatcha thinking about Cas?" He asks. "N-nothing.... I was just thinking about a movie I watched last night" I lied.

Dean smirks" what was it porn?" He asks with a giggle. I quickly blush tomato red and shake my head. He laughs this time and pats my chest" it's alright Cas we all do it" he says.

When we arrive I look at the huge sign reading ' The road house'. I never been to this place but if Dean likes it then I'm sure it's good. We walk in and I see a guy, an older lady... and what I think is Jo. " Hey man" the guy says to Dean and gives him a pat on the back. " I guess you two know each other?" I ask. The guy nods" yeah Dean here is great friends with my sis Jo, and my mother Elen is like a mom to him, and I'm his annoying genius bro Ash" he says introducing me to everyone. My eyes go wide when I realize it was the Jo that I know.

Just then it seems like Jo realized that we are here, and she smiles as she heads to us. Giving Dean a hug and giving me a pat on the back. " Hey Dean, hey Cas nice seeing ya at well my job" Jo said. "Hello Jo-jo nice seeing ya too" Dean said. I just wave as Jo sits us down on a table.

"What can I get for you two?" Jo asks. "You know me Jo just a burger and fries" Dean says. Jo nods and turns to me. " uhh I uhh will have what Dean hot.... I uhh mean got" I say getting embarrassed by the last thing I said. Jo and Dean laugh" well ain't he a cute one" Jo says jokingly. Dean nods as Jo leaves.

"So Cas, what's with the trench coat?" He asks. I look at my trench coat then back at him" uhh I like it" I say. " No I mean like why don't you ever take it off?" Dean says. "I don't know" I lie clearly not knowing what to say. Like if I'm going to say' oh I cut myself and I have wings that I can only make invisible for at least 8 hours so I keep this jacket on to hide all of my insecurities. So yay I'm a freak!' I shake this thought out of my head and go back to try and have a normal good conversation with Dean.

"So Dean I uhh really like the music you play, but I never have heard any one else play that type of music" I say trying to change the conversation. " Yeah it was my dad's favorite music and he would always force me to listen to it and I guess the child me just kinda grew into it, and we'll now I can't get enough of it" he says with a happy tone but with a bit of sadness. " what do you mean was his favorite music?" I ask. " Well..... my dad he uhh  died before I got into college" he said not looking me in the eye.

" oh I'm sorry..." I say feeling bad. He looks back at me" no it's fine Cas it wasn't your fault my father died" he says. I smile at him as our food arrives.

Once we finished eating Dean and I continued to talk for hours. Which only seemed to be like 5 seconds. The whole time I noticed that Dean and I held eye contact.

Step one check...
(At midnight)
Dean's pov

Finally Cas fell asleep. Phew now I can do something I have been waiting for. I get off my bed and pull out a small box from under my bed.

The box held my diary..... I know sounds girly, but hey sometimes a book to write in isn't he worse thing. I open to the next clean page.

( this next paragraph is going to be dean writing)

" Seems like I'm getting closer to my goal. I can feel what I'm looking for is here... here somewhere. I'll finally accomplish what I have been meaning to do for my whole life. I can't wait finish that damn bargain I maid a long time ago. Maybe then can finally be at peace, and see Sammy grow up. I just have to wait for the right moment"

Alright guysss so this is the update for today hope you like it bye bye

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