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"Dean... Dean! Wake up it's time for your appointment. Dean we can't miss it" I try to wake up Dean. He grumbles something in his sleep before he sits up, stretching and rubbing his eyes.

"Do I have to go? It's like... 5 in the morning " He says in a sleepy tone checking the clock. I nod as I hand him some of his clothes"Yes, Dean we have to go right now, because your appointment it's at 6:45am" I say.

Dean sighs while he takes off his shirt. I stare at his chest for a moment before looking away embarrassed. In the corner of my eye I see Dean smirking while he puts on his shirt. I walk to the other side of the room to get my trench coat.

Can you give gabe and I a ride?-sam

Sure, but do we really have to bring Gabriel?- castiel

Yeah he wants to come-sam

I roll my eyes at the last message as well as maybe dying a bit inside. "Dean are you done yet?" I ask from across the room. "Yes I've been waiting for you to finish texting" he says walking over to me.

"Oh yeah sorry, but we have to go pick up Sam and his boy toy" I say. Dean nods while he goes to open the door. I walk through with a 'thankyou'. He closes the door behind us as he walks up to me. He gets my hand and I smile at him.

We get into my car seeing as Dean's car still needed to be fixed. We drive off to Sam's house, we see him at the front door holding Gabe's hand. He pulls his hand away when he sees my car drive up to his house.

I chuckle a bit in the mean time I see Dean smirking at the two. "Hey Sammy, I see you too have some late night fun"Dean says as soon as Sam comes in. Instantly Sam gives him one of his signature bitch face as his cheeks turn bright red.

"Dean he just stayed the night is all" Sam says to Dean. "Oh so when we started making out that was just in my imagination?" Gabriel butts in.

I laugh while I give Gabriel a high five cause it was a good one. Sam turns even more red" c-can we... just go" Sam stutters out. I nod starting the car   focus on driving now.

We get there after a quite a long drive,  just because Sam's house is further away. We arrive at 6:30 only 15 mins early. We walk in and we inform the office.

Minutes later Meg walks out "Dean Winchester, the doctor will see you now" she says. Dean gets up gives us a peace sign, and then he's gone.

I look over to Sam and Gabriel not noticing they're a little to close to each other. "So Gabe tell me why you wanted to come" I say trying to start some sort of conversation. "Well I knew this was going to be a bit though for Sammy, so I wanted to comfort him. Plus it doesn't hurt to see old Dean-o" he replys.

"Why did you want to come?" He asks. "Don't ask stupid questions Gabriel, I'm here because Dean and I are darting, also I had to give him a ride"I say a little annoyed. "Wait... you are?!" Sam asks surprised.

I blush knowing that Sam didn't know but now he does. "...Yeah..."I say and Sam looks shocked. "When?" He asks a bit to quickly. I think for a while counting the days Dean and I have been together.

"Since the car accident"I say while Sam nods. "So that's why I caught you sleeping on the same bed"sam says and I can't help but blush a little. Gabreil laughs a bit" did you guys you know... fuck... in the hospital... bed" Gabe says in between laughs.

"No, we didn't we just comforted each other" I say quite embarrassed. Gabriel continues to smirk at me, so I roll my eyes at him.

A few hours go by and Meg comes back out. "Dean, will be out in a few minutes. He is just getting back into his clothes. Also I must inform you that the current medication isn't affecting the cancer quite like we hoped. We will have to give you a new prescription, see as though this one does not slow down the cancer. It has increased by these past few days... and by the looks of it, it's growing fast" she says. I nod getting up from my seat" when will we need to go get the new medication?" I ask.

"We will have it ready by 8pm tonight. At your local infirmary."she replys. I give her a smile" thank you" "no need to thank me" she says. Dean comes out walking over to us. Sam runs up to Dean and gives him a tight hug.

Dean pats Sam's back, as I walk over to hug them both. "Can we go get breakfast now?" Dean asks rubbing his belly. I chuckle"sure Dean, where would you like to go?"I ask him. "Any where that has pie and pancakes"He replys.

All of us get into my car and drive off to literally any breakfast place. We get order once we finish getting seated. Gabriel gets the pancakes with the most sugar, Sam gets eggs and toast, Dean gets the pancake face, I get blueberry pancakes.

"So Sammy, how did you and Gabriela meet?"Dean asks. Sam looks up at the  ceiling thinking. "Oh you see it was quite funny. Sammy boy here came into my little bakery almost bumping his head on the top of the door. He comes in orders some coffee with no sugar and no creamer. Instantly I get curious of this tall moose, so I walk over to him. He doesn't look very happy and I ask him what's got your panties in bundle. He looks up to me and I could tell he hasn't gotten proper rest in well... forever. He then starts telling me how the love of his life dumped him for a better man, and how he can't ever fall in love the same way ever again. He just keeps on saying how his father was an ass, his mother died in a fire, and all this other crap. I ended up telling him about how my brother Lucy is in jail for robbing a bank then throwing all the money up onto the air saying bow down to me humans as I am your new ruler. I also told him how my brother stole 3 children all of them 6 years old. I only told him this beacause it would have been unfair of me without sharing any of my story. I then gave Sam my number just if he ever needed some one to talk to and yep. That's how we became Sabriel"Gabe says before Sam could say a thing.

We all laugh at Gabriel's story as Sam just covers his face in embarrassment. "Oh Dean-o did I ever tell you how I met cassie?" Gabe asks Dean. Dean shakes his head"do tell" he replys.

"Well you see it was the first day of high school, and well Cas seemed like he was going to be sick. Luckly I had a few classes with him so I would get to know the little fella. Lunch time came around and I asked him if he wanted to sit with me and a few of my friends. Which were Alfie, Michael, my brother Lucy, Loki, Balthazar, Hannah and Crowley. No one really liked Crowley but he just sat with us because he gave me candy. Any way Cas comes and sits with us taking out his pb&j. We talk about random stuff while Cas just sits there not doing anything. He gets up to go to the bathroom, so I decide might as well have a little fun. I switch his pb&j with kitty litter sandwich. He comes back and takes a huge bite out of that sandwich. Instantly he spits it out all over Crowley. We all have a small laugh except for Crowley of course. Well either way Cas continues to hang with us, and well little Hannah got the biggest crush on him. So we hooked them up by playing spin the bottle. Though when Hannah kissed Cas, Cas looked disgusted. Instantly Cas told Hannah why he couldn't like her. It was because he was gay. Sadly Crowley used this to his advantage, and started to bully Cas and make his life miserable. We couldn't do anything, because if we did our lives would be hell. Well any way I do regret not helping Cas when I had the chance. So that's how I know Cas" Gabe finishes.

We continue to tell each other stories till we get kicked out of the restaurant. Dean and I head back to our dorm.

Once it becomes 8pm I go and get Dean's medication.

Dean fights with me for a while when I try to give him his medication. Eventually he gives in, the pills make him fall asleep.

Heyyyyy Oki hi, I just wanted to say that I hope you like this chapter. As you see I added a little bit of Sabriel. Tell me if you want to see lucifer appear more in the story

To hell and back( destiel college AU)Where stories live. Discover now