angel eyes

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I feel this warmth on my cheek, and I didn't even realise I went to sleep last night. I open my eyes; I get shocked to see we are still at our spot. I look around to see Dean cuddled up to me, his face buried in my chest.

I smile and pet his hair. Dean pulls closer to me smilling. " Dean I know your awake" I say. Dean's eyes open " no I'm clearly not awake" he says. I chuckle and kiss the top of his head.

"Where are we?" he asks rubbing his eyes. "Where still in our spot Dean" I reply. Dean moves so his face could be covered again" then I don't want to leave" he says. I roll my eyes " ok I'll give only five more minutes" I say. He makes an inhumane noise before he sits up.

"Well then it's not worth it" he says standing up and dusting him self off. I groan at the loss of warmth but still get up. I smile at Dean" ready to go?" I ask. Dean shrugs" I rather stay here and forget the rest of the world with you" he says. I blush a little " Dean you know we can't do that" I say.

He nods as he picks up our stuff. I fold up the blanket, and we walk to Dean's car. We place all the things inside" do you want to ride in my car, or will you go in yours?" He asks. "I'll go in mine so I won't have to come back for it" I say.

Dean nods and gets in his car, I get in mine as well. We drive off to our dorm room, and we walk together hand in hand to our room. I close the door behind us" I'm going to take a shower" I say. " alright Cas just don't drown" he replys. I roll my eyes and walk into the restroom.

I turn the water on just the right temperature. I get in, feel the water, and smile happly when I feel the droplets fall on my wings.

I don't even realise the door opened when all of the sudden I feel Dean's hands slide down my side's. I stiffen " Dean... w-what are you d-doing?" I ask startled.

He kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear,"what, can't we shower together?" His husky voice makes me shiver. "I g-guess" I say "you sound a little uncomfortable, Cas"he says.

"Its just I never done this before" I say turning to face him. "Me neither..." He mumbles. He reaches for the bottle of shampoo and scrubs my hair. I look at him confused and he gives me a little chuckle. I close my eyes as I feel his hands in my hair" that feels nice"I say.

He rinsses my hair, as I scrub his. We scrub each others bodies, but Dean helps me get my wings. We sit there letting the water wet us for a few minutes before Dean moves a hand on my wing.

I shiver at the touch, but Dean holds a smirk on his face. I look deeply into his eyes as he leans in and kisses my lips gently. I close my eyes falling deeper in love with him.

Dean moves his lips to my necks as I reach for his hair. I hear him growl when I tug slightly at his hair. Just before I could kiss him once again he moves away, turning off the water and getting out putting a towel on.

I pout as Dean's smirk grows" I though we are taking this slow angel" " not if you send me signals like that, but either way you ruined the moment" i say. I get out from the shower wrapping my self in a towel.

Dean gets out and heads to his clothes. He picks some of his classics, a black AC/DC shirt, blue jeans, and his red flannel shirt. I smirk as I look at him head to toe. I later then change into a comfy sweater and my favorite black jeans.

I walk over to Dean wrapping him in my arms feeling his warmth. I see him lean back a little" you look so beautiful" I compliment him. He blushes" t-thanks Cas" he says.

I look over to the clock 1 pm it reads. I panic slightly as I remember I need to get to class. I let go off Dean and rush over to my books, placing them back into my bag. " Cas?" Dean asks looking at me" sorry Dean I got to go to class, you should too" I say.

He frowns and shrugs as he gets his bag. " I'll walk you to your class" he says, I kindly smile at him taking his hand. " Lets go then, get your bag" I say.

He walks me to my class and gives me a kiss goodbye. He then leaves me running to his class, I chuckle and walk in.

I get scolded by my teacher 'well she cares that you come' I apologise to her and take my seat. Taking out the work I did a while ago, I turn it in and she smiles at me. I take out my book and flip it to the page we are working on.

The rest of my classes go by quite fast, which is great, means more time for me and Dean. I walk back to my dorm; suddenly some one caches my eyes. I see Crowley walking over to me, I quickly hide behind a wall.

Sadly, Crowly spots me quite quickly and rushes over to me. "Playing hide and seek, Asstiel?" He asks. I give squint at him" clearly I'm trying to hide away from you" I say.

Crowley laughs a devilish laugh and pats my back" well you failed" he says. " what do you want with me?!"I ask. " ohh nothing just checking how your doing is all" he lies. " no I know you probably came here to ruin my life or ask a favor of me" I say.

" oh Castiel you know me to well" he says. "Well I don't have time for you Crowley I got to get back to my dorm" i say, and I hear my phone buzz. " ooh who's that, your boyfriend?" Crowley asks. I shake my head trying to move away from him, desperately failing. Crowley snatches my phone from my pocket" hmm, so your boyfriend is named Dean?" He says giving me an awful look.

"DON'T. YOU. DARE" I growl at him, but he still opens up the text.

Cas I made a meal for us ;)- Dean
Crowley smirks and types back

I'm sorry Dean but I do not love your faggot ass no more. I have a new boyfriend now and so I'm dumping you. I hope you shrivel up and die  Also go to hell!-Cas.

Crowley hands me my phone and I read over the text. I feel tears fill up my eyes making it hard to see, so it takes me time to try to text Dean that it wasn't me. Crowley gets tired of my desperation to fix his work He then punches me in my stomach, making me drop my phone.

Crowley continues to beat me up as I cry quietly to my self. The punches get stronger and sooner or later he begins to kick. I start to loose feeling in my body that's when he leaves.I could no longer see out of my eyes as the world around me goes black.
(Time skip to a few hours)
I get up after what seemed to be a few minutes of snoozing. My entire body hurts as I limp all the way back to my room.

I walk in and I smell the smell of a steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I walk into the kitchen to see Dean eating alone. He gives me an angry look before he gets up and puts away his plate. " why are you here Cas?" He asks holding back all the anger.

"Dean, the text... it wasn't from me... and I couldn't text you back because my phone broke" I say. Dean walks back to me, his face softens when he sees a bruise on my face. He reaches up and touches it softly" Cas, what hh-hapened?" "My school bully, Crowley... He uhh found me and send you that message before he beat me up" I say.

He hugs me into a tight hug" Cas I'm sorry, I was about to get mad at you, here let me treat those" he says. I smile at him and sit on my bed. He gets the first aid kit" next time you see Crowley call me, so I can shove his face to the ground" he says. I chuckle a little hurting me in the mean time.

I stare into his eyes while he puts on a bandage on my cheek. I smile at him " Dean are you almost done I'm hungry" I say. " just one second Cas... alright I'm done" he says.

He gets up and serves me a plate, and he places it on my bed. He puts down some pillows on the bed" lay down angel, I don't want you hurting your self" he says. I nod moving to the head of my bed as he places the food on my lap.

I eat while Dean listens to some music. I finish after a while" Dean, Dean"I say. Dean looks up" I'm done..." "oh ok Cas let me get that for you" he says. He gets up, gets my plate, and walks over to the kitchen.

Then he lays on the spot next to me. Dean looks into my eyes" you have such pretty eyes Cas. I can get lost in your ocean eyes. I just want to cherish them... cherish you" he says holding my hand. " I think the same way Dean" I say and he kisses my cheek.

"Rest Angel..." He says as I go to sleep. Before I sleep I see a sadness wash over him like he is holding something back. Then the world fades away.

To hell and back( destiel college AU)Where stories live. Discover now