Saving Dean part one: prepare

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The early morning sun hits my light colored skin as I make my way to my car. The road is quite empty due to it being still very early on a Saturday morning. I had no classes today, so I don't have to worry about missing.

I come to a stop at the local library, inspecting if Sam had already got there. We are meeting up to research upon the angel Raphael. To are agreement, Sam was there. We walked in Sam holding his laptop, and I holding Dean's journal.

We chose a small corner next I a window to place our things. "So you want me to search for anything upon killing archangels?" Sam asks opening his laptop as he does so. I nod my head already flipping through the pages of Dean's journal.

Every page is mostly the same, until one page catches my eye. He mentions Raphael several times. At some point it says that Raphael can be contacted by a spell: one that needs multiple ingredients. Ones that only someone who knows where to look, can get.

«Excellent now I have a way to get him to come to me»

Moments later Sam taps my arm to get my attention. He flips his computer to face me, and he points to a small paragraph on the page. "Apparently there seems to me a a weapon that can kill almost anything. It's called the Micheal staff, and to our luck it still exists" Sam says proud of his work.

I place a hand on my chin " how does it work?" I ask. He flips the computer back to himself. "Well it kills any angel very slowly and painfully. Any other creature it smites" he answers my question completely.

"Oh and last place seen was a museum in Arizona. If we drive non-stop we can make it there by tomorrow morning" he says getting up from his seat putting his laptop in its case. I nod getting up myself as well. "Then we must get ready. I'll meat you at that old yogurt place" I say as we both get into our cars.

A few hours past till I meat up with Sam. We both agree that we are just about ready. We drive off heading our way to Arizona. I leave a message for Dean telling him that I'll be gone all evening, until tomorrow at least.

A long drive takes place with occasional music. By around midnight we reach our destination. We buy two hotel rooms for Sam and I to rest til morning. Morning we will be sneaking into the museum to borrow the weapon. We already have a plan on how to get everyone out of the building.
(Skip to morning and at the museum)

Sam sounds the fire alarm as I shout for everyone to get out. Everyone pushes by. Security leaves with them too. Finally Sam and I have time to sneak the staff out. He places it in a duffle bag, and we rush out of the place quickly.

The rest of the time we odder the supplies needed for the spell on the dark web. We decide to make our way back home and not to tell anything about this to Dean.

Ahhhhhhh so yeah it's short that's because I had writers block. It took me forever to figure out how I was going to play this chapter, so I'm sorry 😐. Hopefully you guys like this chapter. I promise next chapter will be longer and better maybe.....?

Oh and I know that song doesn't fit with the story but it's a great song and I love it. Don't judge me 0——0

K bye 👋

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