Charlie the love genius

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Dean and I have been hanging out a lot lately. To be honest I really like it, it gives me this feeling I have never experienced before. Almost like I'm walking on this cloud.... or like the sun was warming up my heart.

Although I felt this way their was still a voice in back of my head, telling me 'You know you can't be happy with Dean. You know what he'll think of you when he sees the cuts on your wrist or.... what about your wings?' I couldn't stand it, so I bearried it deep down in the pit of memories I want to forget.

I'm guessing Charlie has noticed how close me and Dean have gotten over this short period of time. She started sneaking glances at me and Dean, she smiled each time Dean would say something dorky to me.... 'which I think it's very cute.... wait what? ..... did i just say that. OH GOD.... I need to find out how I feel for Dean.'

Well I am walking in the hallways when I feel someone hug me from behind. 'I guess that's Charlie', smile" hey Charlie, what's up?" I say. She giggles "how did you know it was me?" She says letting go off me and walking beside me. "Well your basically the only one that does that soo yeah" I say.

She nods "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go get ice cream after your done with your classes" she says. I think for a while because last time she said this she diched Dean and I. "Alright sure but you better not be planing anything" I tease/ say to her.

She rolls her eyes and pushes me softly. "Ok ok cassie I won't" she said, I look at her with my seriously face" Charlie you know I don't like to be called cassie" I say serious so she can get the point. "Alright Cassidy I won't... but I gotta go now" she said. I rolled my eyes at her before giving her a hug goodbye.

Once I was done with all my classes I waited outside of Charlie's dorm. She came out in about five minutes and smiled at me. "Heya Cassidy, ready to go?"Charlie says. I sigh and nod " So which ice cream place?" I say.

"I was thinking of going to baskin robin's" she says as we head to my car. " Ok that sounds-" I get caught off. "I call driving!" Charlie shouts in my ear. I takes me a moment to get my head back in place " I know I can't beat you so here" I say tossing her my keys.

We get in my car and drive to baskin robin's. We get their and Charlie orders chocolate mint and I order vanilla. We sit outside under some trees. "So Cas do you like Dean?" Charlie asks. I jump from where I'm sitting almost dropping my ice cream. Oh shoot... "uhh n-no not a-at all" I mange to stutter out. " OH MY CHUCK YOU DOOOOO!"she yells and I swear China can hear her.

"Charlie take a chill pill would ya ...." I say. Charlie looks at me almost instantly after I said that" how can I?... I'm like super happy right now" she says still a bit loud because of how excited she is. " w-why I d-don't even l-like Dean th-that way?" I ask going back to my flustered self.

"Cassidy you know you suck at lying... like c'mon the answer is written all over your face" she tells me now going into a serious tone. I look her in the eye before looking away" r-really... and y-you don't m-mind?" I say playing with my trench coat. "Yeah Cas, I totally don't mind... like dude I'm into women myself" she says. I smile, and mentally smack myself for forgetting that about Charlie.

"What if Dean doesn't like me that way?" I ask. Charlie goes into her thinking mode, "Well we can try and find out lover boy" she says. I frown at the new nic-name" how?" I say. "Ok so I got a plan" she says as she goes down into writhing something on a peice of paper. "Alright step one, see if he keeps eye contact with you at all times. Second, see if he rembers things that you said or things that you like. Third, see if their is a lot of physical contact. Forth, see if he would choose to hangout with you instead of any other of his friends. Fith, flirt with him every once in a while and see if he gets flustered." She says as I nod at all the things she said. She handed me the paper of the things she said" I figured you would forget" she says. " thanks.... You sure this would work?" I say and ask.

" ohh of course Cassidy, this worked with my girlfriend, and with my other friends crushes. So I'm quite sure this would work" she says matter of factly. " Alright Charles your a genius" I say. She rolls her eyes " a love genius bitch" Charlie says

Omc guys I am sorry for updating a day late. I got busy yesterday and didn't get the chance to finish this. Any way hope you like this chapter... I really wanted to show some Cas and Charlie bonding moment. So yeah guyssss peace!  

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