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I never truly knew what love is, that is until I met Dean. Love ain't something that just happens... it is something that breaks and builds. As for me right now, I'm broken into many different pieces. Just because love chose me, and decided to break me.

It's an awful morning, I haven't been able to see Dean, or even hear anything about him. Not even this stupid cup of coffee is at help.

I'm thinking about texting Charlie to see if we can hangout, but sadly she's with her girlfriend. She's lucky to have a great girlfriend, and deserves to be loved. For she is the bestest person I have met.

I finish my coffee and decide to take a walk. Any ways I need to walk every now and then. I put on my shoes and my lonely looking trench coat. I walk out and it's a cloudy day.

'Perfect, just the right setting for my mood ' I smile and begin to walk. I put in my ear buds and play my playlist. I look around the scenery, trees, flowers, cuples, birds, buildings, and cars. It's a busy morning I guess but I feel I'm not apart of this scenery.

Then I see the beautiful green eyes I've been longing for. A small smile forms on my lips at the thought that it is all forgotten. I feel my heart race and I can't keep up with it.

Before I know it I'm running up to Dean. So many thoughts, but I can't understand any. The only thing I want to do is hug him and make sure he never leaves. I want to see his smile, his eyes looking down at me, but... my fantasy is ruined when I see a girl with dark hair rap her arms around him.

I stop in my tracks as I see Dean lean down and kiss her. Time freezes right there, as well as my heart. I ignore the pain and head back to my room. I can feel tears slide down my cheeks.

I shut door to my room and lean against it, sobbing my heart out. I ignore the uncomfortable pain that is caused by the door against my wings. All I can do is cry, but I need someone to cheer me up. I pick up my phone and text Charlie.

Charlie please come to my room I need your help- castiel
I wait for a reply as I cry. Just a minute goes by and I hear my phone buzz.

Sure thing Cas I just have to drop off my girlfriend first then I'll be there - Charlie
I smile at her response and close my eyes.

Not even five minutes go by when I hear knocking at my door. I get up and open it to see Charlie with pillows and chocolate. I let her in and she plops down onto my bed.

"Talk to me Cas..." She says once she is done putting down the stuff she brought. I sit next to her" didn't you have a date?" I ask. " Yes, but your my best friend and when you need my help I'm right here" she replys. " so what happened?" She asks opening the bag of chocolates.

I sigh and reach for one of the chocolates, putting one in my mouth. " well I went out for a walk this morning and I saw Dean with a brown hair girl" I answer. Charlie nods" like where they together together?" She ask. I simply nod as I take five more chocolates and place them all in my mouth.

"Hmmm, interesting, and you said she has brown hair?" She asks and I nod again. "I think that might be Lisa, she's a fat slut believe me she ain't the right girl for Dean" she says angrily. I look at her confused" how is she a slut?" I ask.

Charlie doesn't hesitate" well she is known for having many night stands with men... then she pretends to have never met them" she points out. I nod" but... She looks nice" I say. " yeah she is kinda nice at first but then she could also be a bitch" she says.

I nod taking another chocolate" why did you bring chocolates?" I ask. Charlie smiles at me" I figured you where depressed and chocolate is always the best cure" she replys. I chuckle a bit" well good idea I did need them" I say.

To hell and back( destiel college AU)Where stories live. Discover now