Pizza night with Sam

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Sooooo guys I just found out my new phone does not do the bold thingy and stuff like that so now when the characters are thinking to themselves you will see these «» instead. Ok on with the story


I stoped in my tracks as I was walking out the restroom. «How could I tell him.... he looks so happy... but I have to tell him. Now or never Cas.» I take a deep breath while I go to stand next to Dean. " ... Dean.. umm the hospital called.... they said that since your progress is only getting worse that you have to take chemo. Well they also said that you can have a surgery but that is the last thing they want to do" in a hesitant way I tell him playing with the bottom of my shirt. He looks up at me now his once joy filled face sank into a blank stare. I am not sure how he is going to react since so far he is showing no emotion. He breathes out " well we will have to find out more about this Cas since you and I know that these are huge decisions. We should look into it at least before we just jump right in... okay?" He reply's patting my back softly. I feel my wings flutter at his touch and I reach up to hold his hand looking him in the eyes smiling in the mean time. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door " who's that?" I ask Dean. " ohh it's just Sammy I texted him to come by and bring pizza" He said opening the door for Sam.

Sam comes in almost bumping his head on the roof of the door waving hello at us with his leftover hand. He places down the pizza in our kitchen " so how you two been these days? I haven't seen you since the halloween party." Sam says coming out of the kitchen. Dean and I look at each other in a naughty manner. " ohh lots of night stand... I mean like Sam you should see what Cas can do with his-" Dean replies to Sam but before he is done Sam stops him. " Okay!.... pizza anyone .... anyone okay umm I'm leaving the room now" He says walking back into our kitchen to get a slice.

Dean hits me on the shoulder laughing historically. Sam comes back shoving the pizza in his mouth and looking like he's trying super hard to forget what Dean almost said. I mean like if I was Sam and one of my family members started telling me about their love life I would back away. " so Sam how have you been" I ask.

" I'm great so far Gabe and I are really great for each other" he says looking of into space. « he's probably picturing Gabriel in his mind» I smile in thought. " aww how cute Sammy boy..... do you to haven't you know?" Dean tells Sam. Sam suddenly looks shocked " what? NO!, anyways if we did I wouldn't tell you" Sam replies. Dean's evil grin grows wide. " so movie?" I say before Dean could say anything else that probably will weird out Sam even more.

Both of the Winchester's nod while running to the couch choosing their seat. " get the light Cassie, please!" Dean yells from his seat. Before I turn of the light, I go and get the pizza. When I sit down I place it in front of us. Dean chooses the movie which is Deadpool.

About half an hour later most of the pizza is gone and what is left is the crust. Dean leans in getting closer to the tv which is a signal for me that he is way too interested now. I still hold his hand despite knowing he won't notice. I laugh at each funny part of the movie along with the Winchester's.

The movie ends as well as the pizza but it's still early for us. " do you guys have any games?" Sam asks. Dean nods proudly " oh yeah Sammy... Uno!" He says. We all cheer a happy cheer and Dean pulls out the cards. " oh your going down Dean" I say.

A minute later and the game is set. We flip the first card on to the floor it is a blue 4. Sam places down one of his blue 7 cards smiling at us thinking he can beat me. Next is Dean, he places down a number 7 red changing the color. I place down one of my many reds, which is a number 2.

The game continues to heat up as Dean now only has 3 left. As for Sam and me we have 5 left over. Sam places down a color change card which gives Dean 4 more cards. Sam chooses the color green. Great now I can get rid of some. Dean pouts while he places down his new green card number 3. I place down number 9 of my green card.

As I suspected I won the game. Two unhappy Winchester's look me in the eye. This is probably not good " you cheated" Dean says. I shake my head " no I did not!" I fight back. Sam takes Dean's side and soon enough I am on the floor fighting for my life. They begin to tickle me like crazy on my left and right.

Then POW one of my wings burst out of my jacket hitting Sam in the face. I quickly panic and pull away from them. I look at Dean hopefully he can help me explain this to Sam. Sam looks at me shocked from head to toe then my wings. I quiver a bit in fear tightening my wings closer to my back. My breath fastens as I feel Sam's eyes gaze on my black raven feathered wings. Sam turns to Dean thinking of something to say.

" Dean he's..." Sam says.


Yeah I just felt like leaving a clift hanger

Until next time


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