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Just my very existence causes trouble. By me rebelling is causing Dean to die. I am the main cause of his death. Yes, I'm his killer not by killing him with my hands but my choices. I can never have a redo in life and for that I shall lose the one I hold closest to my heart. What if I never chose to rebel, Dean would still be alive. I would be doing heavens work, and this Raphael angel would never bargain with Dean. Maybe it's just a sign that I don't belong.

I will find Raphael and kill him for doing this to Dean. For now I shall cherish every moment with my lover, Dean.
Peaceful tweets emerge from the outside signaling that the sun has risen from its humble rest. A warm embrace comes from the man cuddled next to me. Dean softly snores as he sleeps. I look over to my clock "7:00 am" the clock reads. "Dean... wake up it morning" I softly say into Dean's ear shoving him softly. He mumbles something while he pulls me closer around his arms. "Dean c'mon wake up" I say once more giving him a push. I look at his face which looks very peaceful. Then I see those magical green eyes stare into my own. Almost as if his soul was reaching into mine. He smiles a childish grin at me. He playfully closes his eyes again pretending to be asleep again.

"Dean I saw your eyes open I know your awake" I point out. " noooo..... I don't want to wake up it's to early. The sun must hide away for just a little longer." He says like a child not wanting to go to school. I roll my eyes at him pushing my self of the bed. I steal the balnkets off the bed exposing him to the cool morning air. He shivers at the touch of the air reaching for anything to keep him warm. " Cas please baby come back. I miss your warmth. Lay down with me just a little longer I promise I'll wake up then" he pleas.

" well if you miss me then come and get me sleepy bear" I say running away from the bed towards the kitchen. I hear Dean stumble of the bed making a grumpy noise. The sound of his feet dragging on the floor approaches me. I hide behind a chair trying my best to become the chair. I see him bump his side against the table and he curses at it. Saying the most messed up things I probably will ever hear. Then he makes his way to me falling on his knees. He traps me by the leg with a tight grip. I smile down petting his messy bed hair. " yay I got you out of bed" I say in a cheerful tone.

He grumpily looks back up at me. " I was trying to break my record of being a bed potato" Dean says. I laugh at his comment. I escape his hold to make breakfast. I turn on the stove and begin to heat up a pan. " what do you want for breakfast?" I ask placing butter into the pan. He looks up at the celling in thought for a while. " uhh pancakes" he exclaims. I nod bringing out the batter and the rest of the ingredients. I make a few pies for Dean and I while Dean walks around studying everything like if it was his first time looking at it.

I place down the pancakes into two plates one for Dean the other for me. I call Dean for breakfast. He comes running in not waisting another moment for the pancakes. He sits down on a chair next to the table. I take the chair next to him on his right. We eat quietly taking the time to appreciate the silence. I place my plate back into the sink. "I'm going to take a shower once I'm done it'll be your turn" I say. He jumps up from his seat going to place back his plate on the sink. " can I shower with you..." he questions shyly rocking on his feet. I giggle at his adorableness and nod my head. Suddenly he pulls me by the arm to the restroom. Not much time later we are in the shower with warm water. Dean places a hand on my cheek caressing it lovingly. He stares into my eyes once again just like when we first woke up. He grabs my arm and places a finger on one of the scars. " cas you're so perfect" he says in a daze.

" Dean..... I'm not.... everyone else says I'm not. I also don't think I am" I reply. He stares back into my eyes " don't say that. No matter what others say or what you probably think about your self it's not true. Your perfect, beautiful and amazing. Your so beautiful not just because of your hair or your blue ocean eyes. It's what I see of the inside. Your personality it's what's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. No matter what the world throws at you your still so kind to everyone and everything. Don't ever think that your not beautiful because the first thing I think about you is the word beautiful"he says and by the end of his sentence I feel this burden be lifted of my shoulders. I smile down at the wet bathtub floor. Water droplets fall of my face " thank you dean" I say.  " don't thank me cas I was just pointing out facts" he says. I smile looking into his green eyes. We finish our shower minutes after. We dress up and get ready for the day.

I'm going to win back my dean from death. No matter what it takes. I can't live a day without him. I'll track Raphael down and make him pay.

Hello guys hope you had an awesome week day or night. What do you think of this chapter? Will cas be able to save Dean? Let me know in the comments of what oh think. Toodles ☺️

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