The end

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I walk into the room hesitating ever so slightly. I put on a smile just in case Dean was super worried. The door closes behind me. The noise of the door echoed through the small room. I could see Dean with his head between his hands. His phone rests in front of him. His knuckles red and I could see why. Their was a hole in the wall.

I walk up to Dean very slowly to not startle him. Maybe I was walking slow because I was scared of his reaction. I place my hand on his shoulder. He glanced at my hand. Then at me.

His eyes red from probably crying. In a swift movement he hugs my waist. "...Cas.." his voice rough as he speaks into my coat. His grip tightened with every breath he took.

"... where the hell were you??" He asked looking back up into my eyes. I glance around thinking of a way to say this. "I was with Sam.... saving you..."I say. He gets out his chair to be face to face with me.

"What?" He says with a confused expression. " I-I met up with Raphael.... and we came down to a solution. He won't hurt us anymore" I try to tell him without getting him more upset.

Several hours pass of me explaining everything that went on because the writer is lazy af.

Dean hugs me with a hopeful expression. " We can finally be happy, have a home, and family together" he said more to himself than me. It sounded more like a promise than a thought.

(Time skip to several years)

Dean's pov

" oh I bet Cas would love her" I say to the lady at the front desk. I pick up the little five year old girl. Her eyes the same color like Cas' eyes. Her curly brownish black hair falls smoothly on her shoulders.

I sign an hour worth of papers. Each saying rules and payments. Lots of stuff that I could care a lot less about but right now I have to. Especially since this little girl will be mine and to my bumblebee.

I bend down to ask the little girl her name. "What's your name sweet heart?" I ask. She shyly looks down at the floor and plays with her dress. She swings side to side whispering her name I guess.

"I'm sorry I couldn't here you" I calmly tell her as I can see that she probably isn't super comfortable right now. " M-my name is Marline b-but people like to call me Marlie".

I take Marlie to mine and Cas' house. Its a small brick house. With a nice tree in the front yard and big windows. Marline brings down her pink unicorn backpack. We enter the house, Cas no where in sight.

As I turn the corner from the kitchen I could see him outside with his flowers. I could see him talking sweetly to them. I knock on the glass door as I tell Marline to wait in the living room.

Cas turns to face me. His face lights up brighter than the sun when he sees me. He opens the glass door and rushes to hug me.

" Dean!"

"Hey honeybee"

He lets me go to give me a soft gentle kiss on the lips. "What you been up to today?" I ask.

" Just spending time with my plants. Oh I also learned how to make that special diner you love." He says with a big smile.

"How was work?"
"Oh it was great I actually I got you a special something"
"Oh and what's that?"
" come to the living room"

I hold his hand as I walk him to the living room. He sees Marline half way. He looks at me then to Marline. In an instant he is over their already talking to her.

They talk about everything. They talk about bees, trees, horses, movies, and so much more I lost track. I make food for the three of us.

I place it on the table and call their names. They both come in rubbing their bellies. "Man am I hungry... I think I can just eat anything." Cas has a suspicious smile on his face especially once he said this.

He bends down and picks up Marline and nibble her small nose. She giggles the same way Cas does.

We eat together like a happy family. A family I have been waiting for. One me and Cas wished for since we fell for each other.

(2 more years later)
Cas pov
"Dada" Marline says hugging me. " Yes darling?"

"Will you put on the show with the two twins. And the grumpy uncle. The ones that experience strange creatures?"

" Do you mean Gravity falls?"
" Yesssss! That one, that one please!!"
"Ok now let me just turn on the Tv"

Suddenly footsteps come down the hall. "Did I hear Gravity falls?" Dean asks rubbing his eyes. He plops down on the couch. Marline sits in the middle with me on her left, and Dean on her right.

"Wait let me get the popcorn" Marline  jumps off the couch to run to the kitchen. She comes back after a minute handing me the bowl. She puts the bowl in the middle.

We cuddle close together as we watch Gravity Falls. Marline falls asleep on both me and Dean. We decide it's time for bed and carry her down to her room.

Dean tucks her in nicely. " She's such a great kid" he says. "I think she is getting that from her papa" he says to me. " oh I'm sure she gets some of it from you to.... oh but for sure she gets most of it from me"

He pushes me softly on my shoulder. The day ends with Dean cuddling me to sleep.
Narrators pov

Dean and Cas continued to have a great life with Marline. Sam ended marring Gabriel after college.

Sam and Gabriel would visit every weekend for game night. Marline grew up to be a Doctor.

Cas and Dean lived to be 80 together. Both doing everything they ever wanted to do.

To hell and back( destiel college AU)Where stories live. Discover now