Christmas gifts

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" It's snowing!" Dean shouts from the window wearing his green Christmas sweater. He jumps up and down all around the room. Sure he woke me up ,but looking at him like this makes me so happy. He jumps up onto my bed shouting "it's snowing" repeatedly. I make a small oof noise when his body crashes into mine. He begins to squeeze my body tightly like if I'm some sort of teddy bear. "Well merry Christmas to you too, Dean" I saw hugging back softly. He gives me his big goofy smile with those big green puppy dog eyes. He slithers of the bed to go get something underneath his bed. " here..." he said handing me something wrapped around with simple Christmas wrap. He blushes slightly while I open it. Once all the wrap is gone I could see Dean's journal. "Why are you giving me this?" I question. He scratches behind his neck before answering. " Well I don't want any more secrets between us anymore. Also I wanted you to have a little part of me" he says. I smile down at the book and give him the present I got for him. He opens it quickly to also see my journal. " you see I want the same thing" I tell him.

He pauses for a moment the speaks " thanks Cas I love it..... but you see I already read it. Not that I don't w-want I... I do like I m-mean it keeps ya close ya know" he stutters out. Magically gravity pulls my face towards the floor with a loud thud. ( you could say gravity wanted to give him a kiss 😂)

I try to get back up failing desperately as I am back on the floor. ( dam gravity is clingy) Once I get of the floor I explain to him that it's fine that he already read it. Then we head out side to play in the snow. We make snow angels and two snow men that look like us both.

Finally it gets dark and we head inside for a cup of hot cocoa. We sit down and watch Elf. We fall asleep on the couch me on top of Dean wrapped in his arms.

Jelllllloooooooo guys welcome to this small story for the holidays. Yup I know it's short. Been busy with Christmas stuff. Oki tell me what you though about this story in the comments below because I do love to see the comments. I know it seems like I don't read them but I dooo. Oki bye bye.

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