appointment 2

446 14 6

Castiel (time skip to a few weeks)

Dean was up before me this morning. I guess he's getting used to the idea of having to wake up early each morning for his pills and even earlier for the appointments. Which today I don't even bother to brush my hair as soon as I wake up, because either way Dean and I will go back to bed once we go home. As for Dean he's still in his pjs. Which include his gray AC/DC shirt and plaid pj pants.

The sky outside looks pale with all the clouds during our drive. The sun is can barely express it's self due to being covered. From the side of me Dean yawns loud like a grizzly bear. He puts on some Mitallica songs, and we both sing the lyrics together. Not caring about being in toon.

The drive passes by quickly seeing as the hospital building appears. We smile at each other as if to ask 'ready'. Both doors of the black, shiny impala open with a creek. We walk out holding hands and heading towards the big glass doors. When we walk in Meg stands at the counter of the office giving us a morning smile.

"Ahhh Mr. Winchester and his angel boyfriend" she says with a purr. I tilt my head to the side like a dog "h-how did you know?" I ask. She rolls her eyes dramatically "ooh please you come in here holding hands each time and giving each other the lovey dovey eyes. It's totally obvious clearance" she says adding a new nick-name for me I'm guessing.

"Ready to leave your boy toy Winchester?" She asks Dean. After her question Dean looks at me as if he was saying goodbye for the last time. Later he walks off with the nurse Meg. I take a seat on the blue worn down chair next to me and pull out my phone. I scroll through my phone looking for my music app and choosing my playlist.

The people pass by some tall, some ill, and some in hospital outfits while I listen to 'Stairway to Heaven'. In fact this song Dean showed me. Instantly I fell in love with the whole song. I shut my eyes to imagine a place anywhere else than the depressing hospital. The song helps me picture a story in my head. Where I am an angel of the Lord, Dean is a hunter as well as Sam, and there are demons and monsters.

'I picture Dean fighting of a pack of wolves with Sam. Then they get in a though situation with a few of the wolves escaping and call for me to help. We arrive at this beaten down house in middle of the woods, breaking down the door. We walk in and the wolves come out and attack us.

Sam and Dean are on the floor trying to fight off the wolves. " shut your eyes"I shout out loud making a bright white light fill the room. Both of the hunters pat me on the back telling me nice job. We head to a bar sitting down in a corner drinking our beers. We laugh and tell stories about how Dean's first hunt was strange and when he had to come to the kill at first he begged his dad not to kill him. Sadly his father killed him and told Dean that he has to kill the monster because later on the monster will kill many others. '

When the song ends as well as my day dream ends. I open my eyes to check the time. It'll be at least another 30 mins till Dean is out.


I sit on the boring hospital bed waiting for an eternity for my doctor. It seems like five million years pass till my doctor comes in. Doctor sexy (hehe sorry too lazy to give him a name) pulls out a his wheely chair, scoots on over to me. "So Mr. Winchester how are you this morning?" He asks me in a super professional way.

I stare him dead in the eye" oh is it morning? I'm not to sure the pills are making me so delusional lately I can't tell if Meg over there has black eyes or not"I say sarcastically. Shock covers Doctor sexy's face until he realises that I'm joking. "You are fine though?"he asks me once he finishes with his laugh.

"Yeah I'm doing quite fine, but I can't help but notice that I'm looking a bit of my appetite?" I say as well as kind of question. "Oh, yes that is normal for most patients. The cause is of the cancer and the medication"he answers my question. "Alright so why am I here cause I know we ain't here to just chat" I ask.

"Well I'm going to do some X-ray scanings to make sure the medication it's doing it's job. Once we are done we will check your weight and your muscle strength" he informs me. I nod my head "Well lead the way Doc"I say standing up.

We walk into this horrifyingly white room. The doctor tells me to go stand over there where their is tape. I do as I am told and stand uncomfortably still while they scan me. After such a hard time trying not to move a muscle  we finish. Once again the make me walk to a white room with big machinie things.

Meg orders me to stand on the scale like if she's warning me that if I don't she'll send a hellhound after me. I stand on the scale and it reads 120 pounds. Meh nods to her self taking notes. She then sits me down on a chair taking my blood pressure and hitting my knees with a little hammer. She then tells me to fight with everything I got as she pushed my arm to my chest. I succeed easily and feel proud for it. Meh takes another note and clicks her pin" all done Winchester" she says.

I walk out to see Cas eating a pack of cookies. Which I'm guessing he got at the gas station next door. He walks up to me and gives me a hug" ready to go?" He asks me while looking at me with those blue angel eyes. "Hold up I need to know when I'll get the scans" I tell him walking over to Meg. She tells me it will be ready in 2 days or maybe 3, and with those words Cas and I head back to the dorm. We cuddle back into my bed and fall asleep.

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