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When I woke up I forgot I was in the hospital bed with Dean. I blush as I look to see the sleeping figure cuddling me. I smile remembering the words he told me last night 'What if he didn't mean it' was a thought in the back of my head but I still pushed out.

I look over to a chair that is currently taken by the gigantic man, known as Sam Winchester. I cuddle closer to Dean taking in his warmth. I could feel him breathing so calmly 'I wonder what he is dreaming about'. Then I feel the grip around my waist tighten and I open my eyes to see Dean is awake. " good morning beautiful" he says. I smile back at him " Morin' Dean" I say.

"Do you want me to go get you some breakfast, because I know the food here sucks" I ask. Dean nods closing his eyes" don't be gone for to long.... Oh and bring pie please" he says opening his eyes wide at the last part. I laugh at how cute he is as I get up and stretch.

I get my keys and walk out of the room, deciding where I should go. I get into my car and I nod as I remember their is a waffle house down the street. I smile when I notice their is not a lot of people. I quickly oder pancakes and pie. I also get Dean a coffee, as well as a bucket load of sugar and creamer.

It takes me no time to get to the hospital and into the room knowing that hungry Dean ain't happy Dean. When I enter I see Dean smile and yet again he reminds me of a puppy.

"Did you bring pie?" Dean asks suspiciously. I nod as I pull out the pie, and he smiles even bigger. "Gimme gimme" he says pointing to the pie. I shake my head" not now mister, first you have to eat your pancakes" I say.

Dean pouts like a child as I hand him the plate of pancakes. He sits up a bit and eats the pancakes. Quickly the pancakes are gone, and a happy Dean smiling at the pie. I sigh and hand him the pie.

This time he eats it slowly, enjoying every bite. I decided watching him eat is creepy so I pull out my phone to listen to some music. "CASSSSSSSSS I'M BOREDDDD TALK TO MEEEEEE" Dean shouts ending with an inhumane noise. I laugh and pull out my ear buds" what do you want to talk about?" I ask.

Dean shrugs" I don't know, how's life?" He asks. " Hmmm, I don't know I'll have to ask it" I say. " Cas don't be joking I'm asking you how is your life been?" He says. "Dean I can't be selfish, life isn't just mine" I tease knowing this his getting him annoyed.

He rolls his eyes and I could tell he gave up. " how was the pie" I ask , and Dean smiles at me" it was awesome! Thanks Cas at least your not like Sam" he says. It seems as if that was the waking word for Sam because he woke up as soon as he heard his name.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, ready to sing to the birds?" Dean teases. Sam gives him a bitch face and rolls his eyes. "Have I gotten a call?" Sam asks and Dean instantly smirks" what are you gonna go on a date Sammy?" Dean teases him yet again.

Sam blushes apple red and he shakes his head. " n-no just a hanging with a friend" he says flustered. " I think someone is lyinggggg" I tease. " ughh i hate you guys, I'm leaving" he says and gets up. Sam gets his phone rushing out the door clearly flustered.

" Dean I'll be back I'm going to go get my journal" I say getting off my seat. " ok I won't miss you" he says. I chuckle and walk out the room.

I go into the dorms searching for my journal. When I find it I get a few pencils and colors. I walk out of the dorm room and back to my car.

I drive back listening to soft rock music. When I arrive at the room Dean is in I show him the things I brought. He smiles " are you going to make me draw?" He asks. I nod " yeah drawing helps me past the time" I say.

To hell and back( destiel college AU)Where stories live. Discover now