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A few days has passed since we got settled in, but not much has happened. Mostly is just me studying and Dean going to parties. When he doesn't have a party to go to we hangout with some of his friends and his little brother Sam. I've noticed something's about Dean, like when I ask him about his parents he just changes the subject, and pretends I never asked him..... I guess we all have secrets to keep.

Right now I am writing something in my journal like always when I hear Dean open the door. "Heya Cas, Sammy and I are going to go to a small get party with a few friends... well more like hangout at a bar, and I was wondering if you wanted to tag along?" Dean asked. I looked at him a little nervous cause this will be my first ever party/hangout. It took me a while before I nodded, and I saw Dean smile with a small sparkle in his eyes.

"Great! Get ready then"Dean said to me as he got some of his clothes. I look around in my drawers to see if I had any appropriate clothes for a party. 'As I knew it... I don't have any.' All I had where some sweaters and of course my lucky trench coat.

I guess Dean could tell and he laughed before he tossed a flanell shirt to me. Surprisingly I caught it without droping it. "Here try this on" Dean said as he went into the bathroom to change. I quickly put it on before Dean could come back. I didn't want him to see my huge secret, which was that I had wings. My mother says it's a gift from God, but I don't believe so. All it has ever been to me is a curse.

Dean came back out and I saw him look me from head to toe before nodding to himself. "You look awesome" Dean said. "T-thanks..."I said in a shy matter.

We go into his 1967 black chevy impala, which I think it's really neat. We drove for at least 30 min. The whole way their Dean put on some Led Zepllin songs.

When we got there I could tell Charlie was waiting for us. She smilled at us as we got out of the impala. "Deanie bean and cassie! My two favorite people" Charlie said while she ran up to us and huged us." Charlie how many times have I told you not to call me that" Dean said. "Oh I know you love it... Deanie bean"Charlie said as she squished Deans cheeks. I laughed at this"good to see you to Charlie" I say. "Yeah I know... Now c'mon Jo and  Sam are waiting for ya dudes inside"she said as she patted are backs and heading to the bar.

When we got in I could see the gang sitting on a booth. Dean and I sat down and greatted the others. "So what are we doing?"Dean asked. "We are playing truth or dare" I could hear Sam say. I don't really know what truth or dare is.... buut what could go wrong.

"Alright I'll go first, truth or dare Charles?"Dean said with a small smirk on his face. Charlie gave him a squinty face before saying dare. She was dared to flirt with the bar tender just across from our booth. Which for her it was easy cause the bar tender was a girl and it seemed like she liked Charlie.

I say Sam's was the funniest, he was dared to get on the stage and yell out that Jess was his girl and no one else's.
By the time it was my turn everyone seemed a little tipsy. Except for me cause I don't really like to drink. "Truth or dare Cas?"Jo asked me. I thought for a few seconds while playing with the strip of my trench coat. "Uhh...truth?"I said, Jo smiled and thought for a moment before she answered" hmmm have you ever been in a relation ship?"she said. Just then it seemed like the place had got really hot, like if you where in hells cage. It took me a while before I said"...n-no I have ... never found some one". I swear I could see everyone make an O shape with their mouth except for Dean. He just sat their and smirked"so your a virgin?" Dean said. Sam gave him a bitch face "really Dean you can't just ask him that" Sam said. Dean looked at him and shrugged"I'm just curious" he said. I nodded"y-yeah... I'm a virgin"I said... well more like mumbled. Either way it seemed that Dean was able to hear me.

Everyone went again and it was my turn.... 'man I'm starting to regret not drinking as much as they did '. This time I picked dare " ooh I got a good one.... Drink everyone's beer as fast as you can" Dean said. I couldn't go back now so I began to drink Deans first. Then I went on with Charlie's and the rest.

After so many embarrassing dares and truths we went back to our dorm. Dean took of his jacket and sat on the bed. "I'm not really sleepy are you cas?" He asked. I shook my head"what would you like to do?"I asked. "I don't know, I would like to know more about you" Dean said. I looked away for a moment before replying. "W-what would you l-like to know" I stuttered out. "Anything really.... it's just that since today I realized I don't know that much about you"he said.

"Well I uhh... I am an only child, my father left us when he found out my mom was pregnant, I was a grade A student in middle school and high school... I was bullied a lot." I told him.  He looked at me and in his eyes I could see sadness . As well of a bit of anger, "I'm sorry Cas... but if you don't mind me asking why did they bully you?"he said. I looked down at my feet not wanting to say why but I knew I couldn't just leave him wondering.

"....People found out I was... a freak.." I said the last part coming out more sighlent than the rest. Dean got up and hugged me" Cas... your not a freak.. and and I don't know why any one would ever think that" he said. His words seemed to sooth me just a bit as I began to cry. He let go of me and looked me in the eyes"don't let anyone ever call you that again, and if they do you tell me so I can kick their ass" he said. I nodded as I wiped my tears away and smiled at what he said.

To hell and back( destiel college AU)Where stories live. Discover now