Halloween special

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Writers pov

Fog rises as the day changes into after noon. Kids dressing up into different people for a day. Castiel sits by the window in class waiting for the time he can jump and leave. Crowley is planning a Halloween party for everyone. Crowley tosses a folded airplain towards Cas, in which Cas gets curious and opens it to reveal an invitation. He faces towards Crowley tilting his head slightly giving him a look of confusion.

Crowley looks up at the ceiling to think for a moment. After he writes down 'don't worry I'm not planing anything it's just a party' and with that he throws it to Cas. Castiel agrees to go and texts Dean that their is a party. Dean quickly texts back telling Cas he'll tag along.

Cas and Dean arrive together in their costumes. Dean as a ghost buster and Cas as a ghost. They walk in seeing all of the people that go to their school and people that didn't. The whole place was decorated with skeletons, that almost realistic fake blood, and a bunch of other creepy items. It was decorated almost like a horror movie, or one of those haunted houses. Either way it was a pretty well decorated party.

Crowley walked up to Cas and Dean, wearing demon horns and tail, and created them in. Dean gave a warning face to Crowley, but for Crowley he smirked and walked away. Charlie and Jo signal for Dean and Cas to come and dance with them. Charlie weared a Harry potter costume and Jo was a farm girl. Soon they danced wildly to each song. They didn't care if people stoped and stared or thought they were out of they're mind's.

In fact some people began to dance the same way. After a while of people dancing the same way it was almost the whole party. Castiel, Charlie, Jo and Dean stoped for a while to go and get some of the amazing Halloween candy.

The candy was placed on a table, in a bowl, green illuminated smoke arose from the bowl to give it a spooky vibe.  Some of those fake arms where placed around a sign reading' get some candy if you dare'. Cas laughed at the message and reached in. Suddenly something got a hold of his hand. He shouted and fell backwards. Gladly Dean had caught him, and all the other were laughing their heads off.

The others seemed to know the trick by rapidly getting their candy. Their next stop was the bar. All of them ordering the same drink ' the zombies puke'.

Little did the others know that Sam had come along too with Gabriel. They both where wearing costumes that went along with each others. Sam was Sherlock Holmes and Gabriel was John Watson. Seince both of them had almost similar heights of those characters.

Gabriel and Sam danced together doing a zombie-ish dance. Gabriel of course sneaking a few chocolates from his pocket every few seconds. Sam roles his eyes each time he does.

All of them end the day with a scary movie and a bucket load of candy.

I know it's short... but any way happy Halloween! 👿

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