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Up above is a pic of Emma she favors Elena some now to the story ❤️❤️
Emmas POV
Dad and mom are about to leave for the weekend and Jeremy went to Matt's house and Elena's probably gonna go to Bonnie's so I get to stay home for the weekend right? Wrong Stefan my sisters boyfriends brother is babysitting me but he's also my friend so it's fine I guess I just hope I could stay by myself
"EMMA COME HERE" I heard dad say "COMING" I yelled back I got up and made my way downstairs Jeremy and Elena have already left so Stefan is by the door with mom and dad I got downstairs and hugged mom bye "be good don't cause trouble for Stefan please" "I won't I love you be careful" "I love you to" I went over to dad and he bent down to my height and hugged me I hugged him back "please be good" "I will be careful" "we will I love you" "I love you to" he stood up and kissed my head and they left Stefan closed the door and turned to face me "so kiddo what do you wanna do?" "I'm not a kid" I said walking to the kitchen see Damon and Stefan are vampires and Bonnie's a witch I'm not supposed to tell anyone oh and also Elena is some doppelgänger thing and dad and Jeremy have a ring that brings them back to life so I'm the only normal one and I don't like it I want to be a witch or vampire Stefan followed me to the kitchen I got a water bottle and jumped up on the counter he sat next to me "everything ok?" "Yea I guess" I said shrugging my shoulders looking down "what's wrong?" "Nothing everything fine" I said rolling my eyes "drop the attitude miss Emma" I heard from the door way I looked up and Damon was there I rolled my eyes "I thought you were busy making out with my sister?" I said smart alekly Stefan smacked my leg and I glared at him and he gave me a stern look I rolled my eyes and jumped off the counter pushing past Damon and heading up to my room I was halfway up the stairs when Damon appeared in front of me "don't think I won't call Alaric if you don't stop" "can I go to my room now?" I asked quietly he moved so I could walk by I went to my room and locked the door sliding down it I pulled my knees into my chest and started thinking where are my real parents? I've been here with Jenna and Alaric my whole life but where's my real parents? Oh well mom and dad love me and that's all that matter I got up and my phone vibrated I went over and got it off the night stand it was Caroline I opened it
C-hey come to the grill have Stefan or Damon bring you
E-ok give me about 20 minutes?
C-ok I put my phone down and went to the closet I got some black skinny jeans and a grey crop top hoodie thing

I got dressed and put my hair in 2 Dutch braids I grabbed my phone and went downstairs Stefan was on the couch and Damon had left "hey um can you take me to the grill? Caroline wants me to meet her" "sure" he said getting up he grabbed his car key...

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I got dressed and put my hair in 2 Dutch braids I grabbed my phone and went downstairs Stefan was on the couch and Damon had left "hey um can you take me to the grill? Caroline wants me to meet her" "sure" he said getting up he grabbed his car keys and we left we got out to his car and got in we rode in silence the whole way when we got there I got out and he followed we walked in and I saw Caroline I ran over to her and hugged her she laughed "hey" "hey" I said laughing Stefan came over to us "I can bring her home when we're done Stefan?" Caroline suggested she's like 16 so she can drive but she's still my best friend "Emma check with Alaric first" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone from my pocket and pulled up his number I dialed and he answered on the 3rd ring "hey umm I'm at the grill with Caroline and Stefan is it cool if I stay the night with her tonight?" "Uh yeah just be careful and call me and Stefan when you get there and before bed" "thanks dad love you I'll talk to you later" "your welcome love you to" I hung up "I get to spend the night with Caroline if I call you and him when I get there and before bed" Stefan smiled and hugged me "be careful and mind" I laughed "I will" he left and I turned to Caroline she laughed "how did you convince Alaric that easily to let you usually he don't" I giggled "I honestly don't know I just asked and he agreed" she laughed and ordered us some coke before we went to play pool over at the pool table was Jeremy and Matt "watch this" I said to Caroline I ran over and jumped on Jeremy's back and he laughed and looked up and saw me I got down and he hugged me "how are you here without Stefan" "I'm here with Caroline dads letting me stay the night with her" "how did you convince him?" I laughed "I just asked" I said he nodded "you have to teach me" we all laughed Caroline came over and kissed Matt on the cheek (their dating) I awed and she laughed out cokes came and we sat and watched the boys play while we talked "I call winner" I said smiling Matt looked at me and smiled "you sure you won't get beat?" "She's actually really good Alaric taught her" Jeremy said me and Caroline continued talking while they played Matt ended up winning I got out of my seat and Jeremy handed me the stick and sat down Matt racked up and I broke we played and I won "told ya" Jeremy said laughing "how did you get so good?" Matt asked coming over to where I was standing near Caroline "dad taught me last year he showed me everything" Matt laughed Jeremy looked at me "did you ever finish that report?" I shook my head no "it's not due to Monday I have another day" "you should start on it" "well what's it about?" Caroline asked "history of the town" "well let's go to the library we can finish it tonight and if we don't we owe the boys 10 dollars each but if we do they owe us 10 each" she put her hand out and the boys shook it we left and went back to our house Damon and Elena were on the couch talking Elena saw me "hey were have you been?" "Grill I'm spending the night with Caroline and we are gonna do my report" "is Alaric letting you?" Damon asked "yea I asked him" I said going upstairs I grabbed my backpack and went back down to Caroline "let's go" "bye be careful" Elena said "love you" "love you to" and we left we went to the library and was almost finished when someone walked in I looked up and he was so fine I kept my focus on him "Emma" "Emma" I snapped out of it and looked at Caroline she looked at the guy and at me "go talk to him" "are you crazy? I'm not gonna go talk to him" she laughed and we finished "I'm gonna pull the car around wait right don't leave" she said walking out I started putting my books in my bag but 3 of them fell and some papers fell out "shoot" I said quietly I bent down to get them when I saw someone helping I looked and it was the boy I slightly blushed and got them I stood up and he handed them to me "oh uh thanks" I said smiling he helped me get them into my bag "my names Luke" he said smiling (that's my real crushes name lol back to story) "I'm Emma" I said smiling "so are you new to town?" I asked putting my backpack on my back "Uh yea it's that obvious?" I laughed "well no but I haven't seen you at school" "I start Monday" I smiled "at least I'll know someone" he said I blushed and looked at my feet he smiled "so can I get your number?" He asked "oh yea sure" I said pulling out my phone "337-2421" he wrote it in his phone and the texted me I saved it into my phone and we swapped phones to take a picture we were done when Caroline walked in and saw me and smiled keeping her distance "well I have to go but I'll text you" "ok goodbye Emma" "bye" I said smiling I went over to Caroline "get it girl" she said laughed I playfully shoved her laughing we walked out and went to her house and I got a text
L-so Emma do you have any siblings?
E-a brother and sister
L-I have 2 brothers and 1 sister
E-cool I said beige getting out of the car we went inside and up to her room and we talked and I kept texting Luke "how is Alaric gonna feel about him?" "I don't know I mean Luke's just a friend dad shouldn't be mad" "but what if it gets more serious?" "I mean I'm growing up I'm gonna have boyfriends so dad shouldn't care" Caroline nodded "I'm tired let's go to sleep" "ok then tomorrow after the boys pay us we can go to the mall" "yesss" she laughed and I told Luke goodnight before plugging up my phone and laying down
I woke up and my phone had a bunch of messages I looked at them dad and Stefan crap I'm so dead I opened the ones from dad
D-are you there?
D-are you ok?
D-I swear if you don't have a kid reason your in trouble dang it I'm so stupid i ten opened Stefan's
S-Alaric is mad answer him
I called dad and he answered first ring "I swear if you don't have a reason for not texting your in trouble little girl" "dad I'm so sorry last night Caroline helped me on my report and when we got to her house we both fell asleep in so so sorry" he sighed "just be careful and remember next time but when I get home we need to talk" "a.m. I in trouble?" "No it's just something I can't say over the phone it's important" "ok well I love you I'm gonna call Stefan before he has a heart attack" he laughed "ok be careful text me when you get back to the house" "I will but me and Caroline are going to the mall and movies so I won't get home till later tonight" "well text me when you do" "ok love you" "love you to" I hung up and called Stefan and told him and he said ok be careful blah blah blah and I hung up when Caroline woke up "hey" she looked at me "hey" she said stretching then my phone vibrated it was Luke
L-good morning ☺️ hope you have a good day today I was wondering if you would like to go see a movie with me later? I showed Caroline and she smiled "say yea I already shed your conversation with Alaric so he already knows" I laughed "I forgot about your vampire hearing"she laughed and took my phone
E-yeah I'll be happy to go to the movies with you meet me at the movie place at lunch time she sent it then gave me my phone back "that's how it's done" I laughed "let go to the boys get our money then go get you a outfit for later" I laughed and grabbed all my stuff and we left we went to my house and Stefan was on the couch "hey"I said "hey where are y'all going?" "Mall then movies" "does"-- Caroline cut him off "Alaric knows we told him" he smiled we went to my room and laid down my stuff I went to the closet and opened it getting me some clothes to go to the mall in I finally decided on this

 I in trouble?" "No it's just something I can't say over the phone it's important" "ok well I love you I'm gonna call Stefan before he has a heart attack" he laughed "ok be careful text me when you get back to the house" "I will but me and Carolin...

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And we left to go to Matt's house with my report
do y'all like it? What does Alaric have to tell Emma? Will he get mad about Luke? Find our next chapter

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