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The next morning
Me and dad stayed up until like 1 in the morning watch full house and eating ice cream before we both fell asleep I rolled over and looked at my phone 10 the next morning I sighed and sat up the ice cream cartoons were on the floor the tv was still on and dad was passed out beside me I turned off the tv and grabbed the ice cream stuff and went downstairs were Kol was up cooking breakfast "morning" I said throwing away the cartoons putting the spoons in the sink "morning" he said smiling "how are you awake already?" "It's seriously almost 11 how are you not?" He asked laughing "rough night" I answer sitting at the island putting my head down "so I heard from a little bird your birthday is coming up" "Caroline?" I asked sitting my head up "geez how did you know?" "Because knowing her she's gonna get the whole town involved" I said smiling "well we still have to spend the day together so go get dressed squirt" I rolled me eyes "ok captain America" I said laughing "hey that's a compliment" he said laughing I laughed and went up to my room I got there and dad was just waking up "morning" he said stretching "morning" I said going to the closet "where are you going?" "Me and Kol are gonna spend the day together" I said getting out a outfit "okay" "he's downstairs making breakfast" I said closing the closet door he got up and went downstairs I went and closed and locked the door before getting dressed

I laced and did the boots before I curled my hair and put my black beanie on I went downstairs and Elijah was there great "good morning Emma" he said smiling "morning Elijah" I said sitting by dad we ate breakfast before leaving "you have your pho...

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I laced and did the boots before I curled my hair and put my black beanie on I went downstairs and Elijah was there great "good morning Emma" he said smiling "morning Elijah" I said sitting by dad we ate breakfast before leaving "you have your phone?" Dad asked "Yea but hey what are you gonna do today?" I asked "Caroline wanted to talk about your birthday" "tell her to keep it simple" "well that's gonna be hard because we have already started planning" I rolled my eyes and laughed he kissed my head and me and Kol left deciding to walk "so I have a question" I said as we were asking each other random questions "Yea?" He asked "why did you guys decide to move to mystic falls just because my dad did?" "Well you were a big part in that when we found out about you we wanted to be family and then when we heard you lived in mystic falls we thought that was good because we grew up here and it's the only place some of us have known as a real house" he replied causally "did you know about Katherine and Elijah?" "Yes but from long ago they were very old lovers and at one time they both loved each other well she grew love for the Salvatore boy" (he said not saying names since I'm still sensitive about it) "and left him alone he never got over it either because as a vampire and as a original vampire it's hard to love someone when you get betrayed but I guess love conquers all" I smiled "oh by the way I have a friend that came here just for you birthday but if you don't wanna celebrate it I can send her back" Kol said smirking "who is it?" "You haven't seen her in a while" he said we were now at the park "who?" I asked again he moved and there standing right behind him was not only Stefan's friend but my best friend I haven't saw since I was about 11 "LEXI!!!!" I yelled running up to her she laughed and ran to me I jumped into her arms hugging her he hugged me back and I held her tightly "hey Emma" she said laughing "it's been to long" I said pulling back from the hug she smiled "I know you've gotten so big I heard your birthday is coming up I've missed to many so now I decided to show up how old will you be 13?" She asked "no 14" "you're 13?!" She asked I smiled and nodded she pulled me back into a hug "oh stop growing up" she said I laughed Kol was still behind us smiling "hey I have to go talk to Stefan he don't know I'm here but I'm gonna stay the night at your house so I'll be there later" she said hugging me once more "ok and hey talk to Stefan for me" "why what's going on?" She asked "ask Damon" I said she nodded and left I ran over to Kol hugging him "thank you so much!" I said he smiled and hugged me back "think of it as part one of your birthday" I smiled for the rest of the day me and Kol hung out talked got to know each other and bonded
Around 5 that evening
"Hey let's get back to the house so you and Lexi can hang out" Kol said standing up I smiled and stood up and we walked home we got there and I went to the front room dad saw me and smiled and came hugging me "I heard Lexi is back" "Yea can I stay the night at Caroline's?" I asked we can have a girls night me elena Caroline and Lexi (Bonnie is out of state for her mom long story) "sure be careful though and be sure to take your phone stuff" he said reminding me "ok let me go pack a overnight bag and call the girls" I said before running up to my room I called Caroline and put it on speaker grabbing a overnight bag she answered "Caroline girls night at your house? Lexi is back!" I said "wait the Lexi as in your best friend that none of us have seen in forever" "Yea" "totally! Call the other girls" she said I smiled and hung up "well someone has big plans for tonight" I heard from behind me I turned around and saw Stefan great "what do you want" "it's what you gonna give me" he said smirking "oh um I think not" I heard from behind him I looked and saw Lexi and smiled he sighed and rushed out of the house she came over to me "what are you doing?" She asked I laughed and grabbed another bag for her and gave it to her "girls night at Caroline's" I said smiling we packed and talked "so I heard about you and Stefan" she said after a while "Yea my first boyfriend and first kiss and right after he left for Katherine" I said sighing "you kissed him?!" She asked I nodded "if I would have known he would break up with me the next day I wouldn't have" I said she hugged me "your growing up to fast Emma it seems like yesterday me and you were watching cartoons not worrying about any of this" "I know it's been to long you need to come back" I said "I don't know about coming back" she said sighing I sighed "then I'll run away with you because it's been almost 3 years I can't lose you when I just got you back" I said she smiled "oh Emma what am I gonna do with you?" She asked I laughed we finished packing before dad came up handing us both $50 "what's this for?" We both asked "I know Caroline she's probably gonna take you to the mall and some other stuff" he said I smiled and grabbed my wallet I already had $200 saved back from what I had got from Elena or Jeremy or Matt because he usually gave me a few dollars every time he got payed I put the 50 in with it and put it in the side of my bag and grabbing my bag slipping my headphones and phone charger into it Lexi grabbed her bag putting her money in her wallet and grabbing her phone and stuff before I hugged dad bye "be careful" he said "I will I love you" "I love you to" he said I smiled and we went downstairs and Lexi grabbed her car keys "you can drive?" "Yea got my license about 3 months ago" "how old are you now?" I asked "350" she said smirking "I meant your human age smart one" I said laughing "oh I'm supposed to play as 16" she said smiling I laughed "I just can't believe your back" I said as we walked out to her car "me either" she said opening to trunk we put our stuff in the back and climbed into the front seats (her driving duh)😂 "so hows school?" "I don't know I haven't been in a while" "what do you mean?" She asked pulling out of the driveway "well before me and Stefan got together stuff went down and I was threatened to be kidnapped so Damon decided it would be safe if I moved in with them then Stefan said it wasn't safe for me to go to school anymore so he pulled me out" I said sighing "dang" she said "yea that was before Stefan became a drunk and argued with me 24/7" "he started drinking?" She asked "Yea" we pulled into Caroline's driveway "wait dang it I forgot to tell Elena" "ok we still need to talk anyway we can go pick her up" "okay" I said smiling "so what exactly happened between you and him?" "Well we started off great then we went on a trip because I was looking for my dad but also trying to find more about Katherine we got there and he got drunk and we got into a huge argument well to make it up he bought me a ring and flowers and that's when we kissed then we got back and I found out about the love triangle between him Katherine and Damon because Elijah now loves Katherine and she said that he's hers and I went to his house and confronted him about lying about Katherine which I was also mad at Damon about but Damon didn't know as much as Stefan did well when I confronted him it turned into this awful fight with him saying he couldn't take it anymore and ending it with me I gave him back the ring and locket he got me and then since then we haven't really talked much" I said explaining everything "I'm really sorry but did you hear what he's doing?" "No what?" "He's back on human blood" she said sighing "what?!" I asked "Yea Damon told me after y'all broke up when he got back from taking you home he went and Stefan had drank like 20 blood bags and he ran away when Damon tried to stop him" she explained "oh well I'll worry about this some other time right now we are having girls night and I'm gonna hang out with my best friend that I haven't saw in years" I said smiling she hugged me and we pulled into Elena's driveway

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