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I woke up and Stefan was awake on his phone I smiled and rolled over and kissed his cheek "good morning" he said I yawned "morning" he smiled "when do you wanna leave?" "We can now just let me get dressed" I said getting up I went over to the bag and pulled out a outfit and went to the bathroom and got changed and threw my hair up in a messy bun

(Minus the purse) I tied my shoes and clipped the necklace on before walking out he had changed into jeans and a white shirt I went over and zipped up the bag and put it on my back "what does that shirt mean?" He asked when we got to the elevator ...

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(Minus the purse)
I tied my shoes and clipped the necklace on before walking out he had changed into jeans and a white shirt I went over and zipped up the bag and put it on my back "what does that shirt mean?" He asked when we got to the elevator "what you've never saw this movie?" "What is it?" "The Fault In Our Stars" (ps I know that movie is so old but it's my favorite movie ever)
"No but I have heard Elena talk about it" "how have you not watched this? It's my favorite movie" "I don't like girly movies" "it's not and we are so watching it later" "I don't want to it sounds boring" "it's good it's really sad though" he sighed "fine" I laughed and he smiled and wrapped his arms around me I smiled "I love you" "I love you to" I said smiling the door opened and we stepped out and returned the key and left we got to the car and I tossed the backpack in the back and buckled up and we started driving "so first we are going to get breakfast and we are stopping around 8 tonight because we have to watch this movie" I said "ok but call Jenna tell her we are back on the road" I pulled out my phone and called her putting it on speaker she didn't answer so I left a message "hey mom I just wanted to let you know we are back on the road bye love you" and I ended it "so what if we can't find your father?" "Then I'll have to stop Katherine by myself" I said "no Emma you cannot stop her she's vampire and way stronger than you" "that doesn't mean I can't try" "Emma"- I cut him off "Stefan I'm not gonna let her hurt everyone I love my family is already in danger because of me and I can't let them get hurt" he nodded "I understand and I'll help I'll try everything to keep you and your family safe" I nodded and smiled "thank you you don't have to be doing this but you are" "hey I love you and if you get hurt then how are we supposed to grow up together?" I smiled and looked out the window he grabbed my hand "everything will be fine Emma grace I promise" I nodded and started thinking then I realized "wait Stefan?" I asked "what?" He asked pulling into a McDonald's "I always thought I had the same dad as Elena and Jeremy" he thought for a second "does that mean I'm not really related to them?" "I... Uh I don't know actually hang on I'm gonna call Damon" I nodded and he called him and they talked for a little bit before they hung up "what did he say?" "Umm ok you are related to Elena because you are related to Katherine and she's related to Elena but your not fully related to Jeremy" "so what does that mean? Hey not real family?" "Not exactly" "so they know that?" "No even Damon didn't know until he looked" "Well honestly I don't care they are my family and no one else" he smiled and held my hand "I love you Emma" "I love you to" I said smiling we got food and ate before hitting the rode
Around 7 that night
We just stopped at a hotel we decided to stop early since the movie and we could have some time off the rode we got to our hotel room and it was really nice and there was a studio like place that had a guitar and a mic with a sound booth I love that we were gonna watch the movie at about 9 but Stefan wanted to take a shower so I went to the studio and sat on the stool and grabbed the guitar and strummed a few strings before starting "I'm sorry mom and dad I know I messed up bad I should've should've done should've better I'm sorry mom and dad for all the time I had to get my life to get my life together but I didn't 1993 you gave birth to me sweet little babygirl had the world at my feet before I could even stand cradle me in your right and your left hand the precious bundle of unmade plans hopes and dreams of bigger things a bright future so it seemed to but that light got a little less bright as I grew up and we began to fight when I was 13 I was so dang mean running away had nothing more to say then I hate you but that's not true now I just don't I just don't I just don't know how to say I'm sorry mom and dad I know I messed up bad I should've should've done should've done better I'm sorry mom and dad for all the time I had to get my life to get my life together but I didn't" I stopped and looked up Stefan was in the doorway a shocked look on his face "Emma" "what?" I asked putting the guitar down standing up "I didn't know you could sing that good" "I can't that wasn't good " I said blushing "no you have to sing more please for me?" I sighed "ok but only one or two more" he smiled and sat on the couch in the room I went back to the stool and moved the mic in front of me and got the guitar and strummed "stone cold stone cold you see me standing but I'm dying on the floor stone cold stone cold maybe if I don't cry I don't feel anymore stone cold baby god knows I try to feel happy for you know that I am even if I can't understand I'll take the pain give me the truth me and my heart we'll make it through if happy is her I'm happy for you stone cold stone cold you dancing with her while I'm staring at my phone stone cold stone cold I was your amber but now she's your shade of gold stone cold baby god knows I try to feel happy for you know that I am even if I can't understand I'll take the pain give me the truth me and my heart we'll make it through if happy is her I'm happy for you don't wanna be stone cold stone I wish could mean this but here's my goodbye oh I'm happy for you know that I am even if I can't understand I'll take the pain give me the truth me and my heart we'll make it through if happy is her if happy is her I'm happy for you" I looked over at him and he looked so surprised "I did not know you could sing that good" "Yea I don't tell a lot of people" "sing one more?" I groaned "I will mark you a deal we go play pool and if I win you have to sing one to but if I lose I have to sing 2" "but either way you have to sing once more" I sighed "fine but let's go play pool" he smiled and grabbed my hand leading me out to the pool table where he racked up

Guys listen this will be 2 parts because I want to update y'all quickly next update should be soon I hope sorry I haven't been really active lately I've been stressed but I love y'all ❤️❤️

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