The fight

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I went into Emma's room and sat down next to her pulling her into my side she stirred a bit in her sleep but fell back asleep and I ended up falling asleep with her
Klaus POV
We got to Alaric's house and I knocked on the door Elena answered "what are y'all doing here?" "We need to speak to Alaric" Stefan said from behind me she moved aside and we went in and into Alaric's office he was there drinking he turned and saw us he stood up "get the hell out of my house" he said drunkenly "stay the hell away from my daughter" I shot back "your daughter is a bitch who deserves to die!" He shouted and that's when I lost it I punched him 1 good time straight in the mouth he fell back into his chair "I don't want to hear her name in your mouth anymore you can stay away from her" I growled before storming out I went outside to get some air when I heard Stefan yelling at Alaric "you better stay the hell away from Emma she deserves everything she wants in this world and you clearly aren't it so you can stay the hell away from the mikealsons" I grinned "she's not a Milealson" he growled at Stefan "she is now" he growled back "and she has been since her birthday so stay the hell away!" Was the last thing I heard before Stefan came rushing out I saw him and patted his back "let's get home to her" I said before we got into the car and went back to my place
Emma's POV
I woke up in Kols arms he was awake just holding me then everything came rushing back "dad" I whispered Kol rubbed my arm "sh love your dad will be home soon" he said rocking us slightly "I need dad" I whispered again not fully understanding what he's saying just needing dad "want to call him?" Kol asked and I nodded a little he handed me his phone and I called him and it rang 3 times before he answered "Kol how is she?" He asked as soon as he answered "dad" I whispered "hey babygirl I'll be home soon are you ok?" He asked gently "I need you" I said as tears pricked my eyes "I know I'm trying to hurry love" he said softly "please hurry I need you daddy" I said quietly "I'm trying baby I'll be there real soon can you wait 5 minutes?" He asked "yea" I said softly "okay I will be there in 5 minutes" he said "I love you" "I love you to baby always and forever" "always and forever" I whispered before hanging up I turned into Kols chest and cried I cried until I couldn't breath I started gasping for air great I'm having a panic attack I need dad Kol realized and tensed up not knowing how to handle it "sh breath love try to breath" he said I tried but it was hard I was taking big gasps of air until I heard the front door open I was trying to breath I heard Kol whispered a "thank God" under his breathe before I was being picked up and rocked "sh I'm here I got you no one will hurt you I'm right here" I heard my dad say "copy my breaths ok?" He asked as I was gasping for breath I nodded I copied his breath until I calmed down he kept me in his arms and rubbed my back "shh I got you I got you" he said over and over tears still silently falling from my eyes "h-he c-c-called m-me a mistake" I said in dads ear "I know I'm so sorry I wasn't there" he said before me and him walked out of the room into a different one where it was just me and him I wiped my eyes and opened them to see we were in his bedroom he carried me over to the bed and laid me down before laying next to me "baby can you tell me what all happened?" He asked softly I nodded and told him everything "he told me I didn't deserve you" I said my voice breaking "sh love he's lying ok? It's a lie you deserve to be with your real family and I'm so lucky for it to be me" he said softly I nodded and turned to snuggle into his chest he rubbed my back and I slowly fell asleep
Klaus POV
She slowly fell asleep in my arms I smiled and rubbed her back I moved slowly to get my phone and I texted Stefan
K-come here quietly she's asleep
S-On my way
I turned my phone off and the door slowly opened as Stefan walked in "stay here with her she shouldn't wake up but I gotta to go to the store get her a few things" he nodded and came over slowly taking my spot I bent down and kissed her head before walking out I went to find Kol "hey I'm going to the store to pick Emma up some ice cream and things wanna come or wanna babysit Stefan and Emma?" I asked "I'll stay here by the way have you heard from Bekah and Elijah?" "Last I heard they split up Elijah went running and Rebekah went back to New Orleans" I said filling Kol in "so it's just me you and Emma anymore?" He asked I nodded "yea for the time being but we know Rebekah shes gonna return" he nodded and with that I left I went to the store and got a tub of her favorite ice cream some of those adult coloring books we like I got a few books to read and also got her a copy of her favorite movie The Fault In Our Stars I went to the checkout when my phone started ringing I pulled it out and it was Stefan I answered "what's going on?" I asked him worried about her "she's awake she's not freaking out but she did say while your out if you can get her some soda or something" "yea tell her I will and then I'll be right home" I said before hanging up I got everything then went to the gas station filling my car up and buying some bottles of coke and candy bars I got everything and made my way home when I got a message
A-I'm so sorry about earlier can we meet up to talk?
Alaric I quickly responded
K- sorry I'm busing taking care of my daughter whose heart you broke maybe some other time
I put my phone down and got home grabbing the bags in went in and she was in the kitchen looking in the freezer "do we have ice cream Kol?" She called I put it on the counter "we do now" she smiled at me "what all did you get?" She asked grabbing the ice cream and a spoon Stefan came in "I see your back" he said grabbing another spoon and eating with her I smiled "I got some books, coloring books, Cokes, candy, ice cream, and this" I said handing her the movie she smiled "we watched this on a date" she said looking at Stefan "when we were going to find Klaus" Stefan said back smiling "have you seen it dad?" She asked looking at me "no and I don't plan on it I'm not into chick flicks but you can invite some friends over and have a hang out?" I said and she smiled "can Tyler come over?" She asked "of course" "and Lexi and Caroline" "definitely Lexi" Stefan said I laughed "I don't care who just don't throw a big party and wreck the house" I said laughing I kissed her head and took a bite of ice cream before grabbing a book "here catch" I said tossing Stefan my car keys but he missed and Emma caught them "can I drive?" She asked smiling "absolutely not" I said laughing she laughed "it was worth a shot" she said before I went upstairs she's gonna be happy
Emma's POV
Me and Stefan left "who do we get first?" He asked "Tyler he lives the farthest away then Lexi then Caroline" I said smiling he started the car and we backed out heading towards Tyler's house

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