The break up/birthday talk

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After I got done telling her stuff she sat there quiet for a minute "wait so your telling me your boyfriend once dated a girl that wants to kill you?" She asked after a while "apparently and that's not the part that gets me mad what gets me mad is he didn't tell me" I said laying back on her bed "let's get your mind off of it hey your birthday is coming up let's plan it" she said happily "Caroline my birthday isn't here for another 5 days that gives us enough time" I said sitting up "are you not exited about it? Your gonna be 14 that's exiting!" She said smiling "I am exited for it but it's not that big of a deal it's only a year older than I am already" "well you know your dad and Klaus will both do something huge for it" "Yea I know" I said sighing we talked for a bit more before I decided to go to Stefan's house because me and him were in need of a little talk I hugged Caroline bye and left walking to the Salvatore house halfway across town I got there and knocked on the door Stefan opened it "hey what's up?" I walked in "we need to talk" "about?" He asked closing the door "oh uh I don't know why don't we talk about what happened between you Damon and Katherine?!" I asked turning to look at him getting mad my anger getting worse "you found out" he said sighing "you thought I wouldn't?!?! News flash don't hide stuff from someone who's uncle is in love with a girl that wants to kill her" "Elijah and Katherine?" He asked "she's dragging him on just like she did to Damon" I said sighing "how did you find out?" "She's still in love with you she came to the house Elijah invited her in"I said leaning my back against the wall "I'm sorry I didn't want you to know" he said "you can't hide this stuff from me anymore Stefan ok you could have when my life was protected and we didn't have to worry about Katherine or anyone or about falling in love or when we were just friends ok? It's one thing to hide it from a friend but it's a completely other thing to hide it from your girlfriend especially when it's her life on the line" he sighed "listen I didn't want any of this to happen" "and you think I did?!" "Listen to me" "no you listen to me! I've given you chance after chance to prove your point and you still haven't!" I said walking so me and him and closer "is this about the fight we had?" He asked "it's about everything! We got into that fight because you were drunk we are getting into this one because your trying to hide stuff from me you told elena everything Stefan and you can't tell me!? Do you really not trust me that much to tell me what you know about Katherine?? We have been searching everywhere for her and you know her personally and so does Damon but you and her were closer she's the reason we went on this road trip anyway ok I wanted to find my dad but you wanted to go to find her do you still like her or something?! Because I can't have this fight with you over and over if you do tell me and we will call it quits now so we don't have to drag it on any longer but Stefan I love you so much and would never hide this from you yet you did it to me what does that say about this relationship?!" "It says I can't do this anymore" he said "I can't fight anymore either" "no I can't do us anymore we want different things it's time for a break Emma" my heart stopped when these words left his mouth I took off the locket and ring he got me and shoved them in his hand before storming out I was walking down the driveway while Damon was walking in "hey what's wrong?" He asked I ran up and hugged him crying "shhh it's ok what's wrong?" He asked hugging me back rubbing my back calming me down "Stefan just broke up with me" I said "oh my god I'm so sorry come on let me take you home" he said taking me to his car I got in and wiped my eyes but the tears kept falling I told Damon everything on the way home he was giving me advice telling me he will talk to Stefan and stuff when my phone rang I pulled it out it's dad he might be mad it's getting dark out I wiped my eyes and answered "where are you?" "Hey sorry I'm on the way home stuff at Caroline's ran a little late" "ok be careful" "I will" I said before hanging up and as soon as did some more tears fell I can't believe this over his ex girlfriend Damon pulled into the house driveway soon and I hugged him "if you ever need anything you have my number just call I'll talk to Stefan" "thanks and I will" I said before getting out of the car I wiped my eyes in attempt to make it look like I wasn't crying but failed oh well I went up to the door as Damon pulled away I opened the door and dad appeared from around the corner when he realized I had been crying he ran over to me "oh my god what's wrong?!" He asked I took him up to my room and told him everything
Stefan's POV from the fight
"So what does that say about this relationship?!" She asked getting mad I didn't clear my head and I told her we needed a break she gave me back her ring and locket and stormed out great she's mad I stormed down to the basement not caring anymore grabbing a blood bag soon one went to the other to another to another to another I heard Damon come down and he pushed me against the wall "blood?! Seriously Stefan??!!!" He asked cleaning up the 15 or more blood bags all over the floor I pushed him back running out
Emma's POV
I had just got done telling dad everything and crying my eyes out he sat next to me hugging me comforting me and calming me down "how about" he started moving the hair from my eyes "we get some ice cream and have a Full House marathon?" He asked I sat up and wiped my eyes and nodded "I'll be up with it in a minute" he said before going downstairs I then heard a knock on the door I looked over and saw Kol "hey" I said wiping at my eyes "I heard what happened" he said coming over to me pulling me into a hug "Yea" I said quietly hugging him "I'm really sorry" "it's okay" "no it's not" he said "I know" I said turning my face into his chest he hugged me and rubbed my back "I'm gonna go before Klaus comes back up and steals you again but maybe tomorrow me and you hit the grill and spend the day together yea?" "Yea" "okay" he said hugging me one last time before getting up and leaving then dad came back up with a cartoon of moose tracks ice cream 2 spoons and full House I smiled and moved over this must be what a dad does when his daughter gets hurt.....It feels nice....☺️

So this is my second update today I'm doing good! A lot of my feelings came out in this chapter because of previous heartbreaks Kol and Emma will have their day coming up and Klaus will still be the overprotective dad thank you guys so much for all this amazing support it absolutely means the world to me❤️

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