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I woke up a few hours later. My voice strained. Not able to open my eyes cause I'm so weak. I felt around and realized I was on my bed. When is do get here? "Dad?" I whispered "shhh your dads not home neither is Kol" I heard Damon say. I opened my eyes and saw Damon there "good morning sunshine" "it's morning?" He nodded my voice hurts. I need blood. I need Damon. I sat up and hugged him he rubbed my back comforting me. "Damon" I said tears pricking my eyes "I know" he said quietly "why?" I asked "I don't know" he whispered. "He slept with another girl. He told me he loved me but then now he doesn't. What do they want from me?" I asked he looked me in the eye "something you have to promise me you will never give a douche" I nodded knowing what he meant "promise me" "I promise" I said quietly I touched my throat "I need blood" I said and he nodded taking my hand. "We are going hunting you need something fresh" and for some reason he's the only one I have felt safe with. We went out and hunting which ended in me getting animal blood all over me. "Ooh we need to clean you up before anyone sees that" Damon said before taking off his shirt and handing it to me. "Here put this on" he said I took off my sweatshirt and slipped Damon's shirt on which was surprisingly huge on me looking like a dress he took my sweatshirt and hid it. We walked back to my house and I went to the kitchen finding a note on the counter

Me and your uncle are gonna be in New Orleans for a week. I'm sorry to leave you like this. We love you be careful stay with Damon and be good please.
Love , Niklaus ❤️
I put the note on the fridge before opening the fridge and getting out chicken that I put out before everything last night. I then closed to door and went to the cupboard getting out a box of Mac and cheese. Damon sat at the island watching me amusingly. He came over to me "you go change I'll cook" no I got it" I said but got cut off when he took everything from me and sat it on the island "Damon I got it" "go change now" he said and I stood where I was he sighed "fine" he said before picking me up throwing me over his shoulder I laughed "Damon put me down" I said laughing "you didn't listening" he said and I could tell he was smiling I slapped his arm playfully to which he smacked my thigh lightly I fake gasped "rude" I said and he laughed "Damon" i whined he laughed at me. He carried me to my room and threw me on the bed before pinning me down. I looked into his eyes. Wow. Why are his eyes so mesmerizing. His smirk. Why is this happening? I thought before he bit his lip slightly I whispered "what about Elena?" I thought "we broke up when Ric got into that fight with you" he said quietly I looked at his lips. Before he slowly leaned in and I did to until our lips met. And this kiss was different from the others I've had. I felt safe with him. I felt protected. Happy. He pulled back and smiled at me "did that convince you to change?" I shook my head no "maybe we should try again" he smiled before leaning back in and we kissed again but longer until we were both of our breath. He put his forehead against mine and smiled. "This is wrong" I said "but it feels right" he whispered "your my sisters ex" I said "technically she's not even your sister" I slapped his arm playfully "so what now?" I asked "what do you mean?" He asked sitting up pulling me up and into his arms. "I mean what are we?" I asked and he smiled before kissing the top of my head "Emma Grace. I have wanted you since my idiot of a brother had you. But I knew you wanted him" I sighed and smiled slightly "not anymore I don't" Damon held me tighter "that's a good thing right?" I nodded "right" he kissed my forehead "I'm gonna go cook your gonna change" I rolled my eyes and he laughed he left and I closed the bedroom door I went to the mirror and saw Stefan's necklace and ring still on me I took them off before tossing them to the bed. I went to my closet and got our some ripped jeans and a blue hoodie Damon bought me for my birthday last year. I got changed before looking at the box that was still in the middle of the room. I went over to it and opened the lid. Sitting on top was a picture of me and Stefan. I took it out and sat it with the necklace. Then was a rose that he bought me. Everything in this box was from Stefan. I put everything back and put the lid back on before carrying it downstairs and setting it beside the door. I grabbed a sharpie and wrote Stefan's name on it before grabbing my car keys (I didn't make a chapter about it but Klaus and Damon bought Emma a car) "Hey Damon?" I yelled and he came out "yes?" He asked "I have to take this to your house for your brother do you wanna come?" I asked "no I'll stay and cook but please don't be to long" he said winking at me I laughed "you won't even know I'm gone" I said before picking up the box. Damon came over ant took it from me carrying it to my car. He looked me in the eye "straight there and straight back understand?" I laughed and pushed him playfully "yes sir" he laughed before he kissed me suddenly "I mean it" he said before pulling back. I smiled and got into my car starting it. I drove to Damons house and grabbed the box. I knocked on the door and Stefan opened it "I think this is all yours" I said handing it to him "Emma don't be like this" he said "no remember you want to move on so I'm moving on" I said before turning to leave he grabbed my wrist "your not leaving yet" I tried to pull away "let me go I have to get back to Damon" I said fighting "so you went from me to fucking my brother?" He said tightening his grip on me "ow Stefan your hurting me" I whined trying to pull away. The next thing I know I'm laying on the ground my face throbbing with pain before it hit me. Stefan's just hit me. I'm not a full blooded vampire so this is one of the wounds that won't heal fast. I ran to my car and got in speeding away. When I got to my house I looked in the mirror and my face was cut. Shit Damons gonna be pissed off what now?

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