Hes gone?

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Stefan's POV from the park
I raced home head spinning I ran inside and Damon was on the couch "hey what's gotten into you?" He asked standing up I ignored him and ran up to my room shoving all my stuff into bags "where are you going?!" Damon asked from behind me "I'm leaving I can't stay here not like this" I said zipping the bag slinging it on my shoulder I went to my dresser and opened the top drawer and got out the box I had wrapped and slipped the card on top "give this to Emma for her birthday please" I said handing it to Damon he took it "where are you going?" He asked following me downstairs "I don't know yet someone away though" I said before walking out I jumped into my car and sped off leaving Mystic Falls it's all just a memory
Emma's POV
Me and Noah are now walking home "so your birthday is in 2 days technically one because it's getting late now" he said true because it's now almost 9 "yes" I answered "what do you want?" He asked "nothing" he rolled his eyes "come on you know you want something what is it" "I don't want anything I got everything I ever need" I said he laughed and put his arm around my shoulder we got to my house and he walked me to the door "so I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked "Yea" I said he kissed my cheek and left I went inside and to the front room only dad was here "how was your day?" I asked sitting next to him "good" he answered I nodded "what are you planning for my birthday?" I asked seeing if he would tell "I can't tell you" he said in a sing song voice I laughed "please give me a hint?" I asked "ok you have to wear a dress" he said "is it a ball" "hey you said one hint that's it by the way Caroline is taking you dress shopping first thing in the morning because the rest of the day we are gonna be decorating here so you will be staying the night at Caroline's again" "ok" I said standing up he kissed my cheek "get some rest" "good night dad" "night love you" "love you to" I went upstairs to my room changing into shorts and a tank top before sitting at my desk getting out my laptop it was kinda a piece of junk but it's all I have I went onto a website called Omegle (****not a promo I swear but I like it I use it when I get bored but it does get kinda weird but it's fun ok back to the story) I clicked chat when my phone started ringing I answered "hello?" I asked looking at the computer typing back "hey Em" "Noah? What's up?" "Look outside your window" was the last thing I heard before the line disconnecting I quickly closed my computer and looked outside my window and opened it a car was parked outside with a white sign on top "Happy Early Birthday Emma you are my world" I blushed after reading it he was standing beside it with chocolates and roses I smiled "your crazy if my dad sees you we are both dead" I whisper yelled out "back up I'm coming up" he said back I backed away and quietly went and closed and locked my bedroom door I turned around and Noah was inside "how did you do that?" I whispered "tree" he whispered back he gave me the flowers and candy and kissed my forehead "happy early birthday baby" he whispered I blushed and wrapped my arms around him "thank you" I whispered back then there was a knock on my door and the doorknob rattled "Emma?" I heard crap my dad I gave everything back to Noah and pushed him into my closet "just a second!" I yelled out I quickly closed my window and drapes before going to the door unlocking it out of breathe "hey me and Kol are going out tonight and Elijah and Rebekah are at the bar so be careful alright? Any friends over that's fine but don't burn down the house" he said I laughed "ok where are you and Kol going?" I asked "A club and possibly hunting" I nodded understanding "be careful I'm serious I love you" he said "I love you to" "you better not hurt her Noah!" He called out how does he know?? Noah stepped out of the closet and dad laughed "yes sir I'll take good care of her" he answered dad hugged me one last time and kissed me telling me to get some rest and don't stay up to late before leaving "how did he know?" I asked "I don't know maybe he saw my car?" Noah asked I smiled "hey I'm gonna go put these in a vase" I said picking up the roses me and Noah went downstairs I grabbed a vase from the cupboard and put the roses in when the doorbell rang "hey I have to get that can you fill this up with water?" I asked Noah he nodded and I grabbed a hand towel drying my hands as I walked to the door I opened it and Damon was there "where is your dad?" He asked "uh he's gone him and Kol went to a club why?" "Your home alone?" He asked avoiding the question "no Noah's here" I said "and Noah is?" "My boyfriend" I said "does Klaus know?" Damon asked raising his eyebrows "yes dad knows now why do you need him?" I asked going back to the original question "I have to talk to him about Stefan" Damon said "what about Stefan??" I asked getting worried "it's nothing you need to worry about at the moment" Damon said before turning to walk away I grabbed his hand and turned him back to face me "what happened to Stefan??" I asked again getting mad "come outside for a second" he said I stepped outside onto the porch it was now dark out "you can't freak out ok?" He asked "ok now tell me please" I said "Stefan's....gone" he said hesitantly "what do you mean gone?" I asked "he left town a few hours ago but he told me to tell you happy birthday and he hopes you remember him" Damon said sadly "no no no this can't be happening how could you let him leave??" "I tried to stop him Emma he didn't listen to me"Damon said defending himself "no this can't be happening" I said wanting to cry "I'm sorry I'll give you some time to yourself" Damon said before he walked away I walked inside ask saw Noah in the kitchen "hey not wanting to be mean but can you leave? I need some alone time" "Yea of course I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yea defiantly" he came over and kissed my cheek before leaving I went up to my room locking the door going to my closet getting out the blue bin in the back of it dragging it to the middle of the floor I sat down on my knees and opened it putting the lid beside me I picked up the first thing in there which was a picture of me and Stefan when I was about 6 or 7 I laid it to the side grabbing the next thing which was a tissue I grabbed it up wrapping it and a dead flower petal fell out it was from the roses he got me on our first date I sat it carefully to the side and went thoroughfare everything in the box including clothes that he got me old necklaces gum ball machine rings and notes and pictures I put everything back in except for all the pictures which was about 20 ones that sat on a stand and others I had to hang up I put them all on my bed and took the box back to the closet I went down to dads office and opened the doors grabbing the hammer and a pack of nails (that's where we kept all the tools and stakes) I closed and locked the door back up before going to my room I got every single on of the pictures up they now covered my walls and my shelves including one of me and him sitting at our favorite tree on one side of my bed and one of him by himself in the other I took the hammer and nails back downstairs when I went to my room changing into jeans and a shirt and slipping on a hoodie I threw my hair up into a messy bun and went to the kitchen writing a note just in case someone came home early "I'm going for a walk I I need to clear my head ask Damon what's going on I'll be back before long love Emma" I left it on the counter and grabbed my house keys locking the door and leaving I walked until I got to the park I went to the very back tree which was the tree that me and Stefan used to always hang out I'm I climbed up and sat on a branch swinging my legs over it leaning my back against the trunk "care for someone to join you?" I heard a voice say I looked down and saw Rebekah I smiled and shook my head no she jumped up and sat next to me "I got your note Damon told me I might find you here" she said I nodded and looked away tears forming in my eyes "I can't believe he's gone" I whispered wiping my eyes she hugged me "I know it always hurts when you lose someone who's close to you" she said rubbing my arm "I like what you did to your bedroom the pictures are nice" she said I smiled through tears "why does it have to be him that leaves?" I asked "because he thinks staying here will hurt you" "but him leaving hurts me more" I said crying "I know shh I know" she said rocking me back and forth slightly "let's get you home" she said after a while I nodded and wiped my eyes she jumped out of the tree and held out her hands I sighed I guess this is life I just still can't believe he's gone

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