After transforming

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Lexis POV
It's the last day of being here we have our bags packed all we have to do now is go over everything will Emma once more so she remembers everything from back home she did good we have her on blood bags she is a vampire she remembers mostly everything and she really wants to get home

Emma's POV
This whole process has been weird I feel the exact same just in a different body I'm a vampire now and it's confusing "ok Emma first things first" Lexi said coming into the room "let's review everything you know" I sighed and took a deep breathe "Elena and Jeremy are my siblings but me and Alaric got into a fight and he told me to stay away. Alaric is the only dad I had until I was 13 when I met my real mom and dad. My mom was Jenna but then I met Isobel and we hated her but everything she did for me was for the best. My dad is Klaus and me and him are really close. My uncles are Elijah and Kol and Kol is my favorite. Rebekah is my aunt and Tyler is my boyfriend. Tyler is a werewolf while my real family is originals and my dad is a hybrid. Elena is dating Damon who is my friend and Stefan's brother. Stefan is my ex but still my best friend. You Caroline and Bonnie are my girl best friends and we hang out a lot. And last but not least I want to go home" she laughed "you actually remember everything good job now all we have to do is get you home so your dad can complete everything" "what do you mean?" "Remember he's making you a older age because he don't want you being stuck 14 forever" i nodded before we got into the car heading back home

About a hour later
We got home and I went to the door and walked in when I did my dad came running to me and I hugged him tightly "I've missed you so much" he said "I've missed you to so so much" he kissed the top of my head "someone is here for you" he moved and Kol was standing there I ran over to him "hey uncle Kol" "hey squirt I've missed you around here" "I've missed it to" he pulled back "let's see your fangs" I showed him and he smiled "just like a Mikealson" I went to my room and unpacked before my dad brought me to his room and did the whole age process thing

I woke a hour later to see him smiling "Emma grace Mikealson you are now 16 years old" I smiled before hugging him "can I go see Tyler?" I asked and he nodded "be careful" I smiled before kissing his cheek "Always am" I said before walking out I walked to Tyler's house across town and knocked on the door he opened it and when he saw me he picked me up spinning me around before latching his lips onto mine I kissed back passionately "I've missed you so so much" he said bringing me inside "I've missed you to" I said kissing him again he pulled back and I caught him up on everything "so how does it feel going from 14 to 16" he asked and I laughed "great" me and him caught up more before he took me back home when it started getting late when I got home I heard Caroline in the living room talking to my dad I peered in and there seemed to be something going on between them? Maybe Kol knows.

Hey guys!!! I know it's been forever I'm really really sorry for not posting sooner but I've being going through some tough times lately but I'm back everything is good and back to normal sort of the only thing different is I lost my best friend but it's okay I'm fine. If y'all ever need anything I promise you I'm just a message away and I will get back to updating again I'm gonna leave me snapchat down below for anyone who uses it or wants it just to be friends or talk or anything. Bye love you guys so much!

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