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"Klaus?" I asked looking at him he looked at me with a certain kind of sadness in his eyes "is he you?"
I whispered the sentence almost knowing the answer Klaus stared at me for a long while before he put a hand on my shoulder and turned me so I was fully facing him and he was fully facing me "I did what I had to do to keep you safe Emma" he said I let out a sad yet happy gasp and pulled him closer to me hugging him tightly "dad" I breathed out he hugged me back tightly we stayed like this for a minute before I realized i was crying I pulled back and he let out a small laugh and wiped my cheeks "I'm so sorry I left you I will never leave you again" he said hugging me again "will you come back to mystic falls with me?" I asked "yes of course I'm gonna be the dad I never was I'm gonna be better from now on I promise and I will never ever leave you" he said I smiled and wiped my eyes "let's get back to the hotel room before Stefan murders you" he said I laughed and stood up he smiled and we started our walk back to the hotel "so how did you and Isobel meet?" "We met in a village bar she was drunk and somehow knew what I was she promised to keep my secret if I changed her but before that one thing led to another and I guess I got her pregnant before turning her" he said "why did you guys leave me with Alaric and Jenna?" I asked "because we knew Elena and you were related only by Katherine (who is still out to kill you by the way) and we knew that she was raised with Jeremy her whole life well Alaric and Isobel used to be a thing so she trusted him with her life which at that time you were her life" "ok bye why did after 13 years y'all came back?" "She came back because of Katherine I came back because I was tired of running and when I saw you I knew you were my daughter and I want you to have at least one of your real parents in your life with my luck it gets to be me" I smiled we got back to the hotel and I walked in and Klaus followed "oh yea about that how did you get into the room without invitation?" I asked closing the door "it's one of the perks of being a original" he said I laughed and went to the front room where Stefan was drinking I went over to him and took the glass taking it to the kitchen he followed me and I sat it down "where the hell have you been?" He asked clearly mad "I told you I was with Klaus" I said dumping his drink out "that doesn't help me none Alaric is pissed so you can be the one to tell him where you were" "you told Alaric??" I asked getting upset "yes what else can I do when you don't know how to answer your phone" Stefan said grabbing more alcohol I took it from him "give it to me Emma" he said clearly not in the mood "whatever I'm not gonna stay here with you drunk and yelling at me" I said storming out completely forgetting my dad
Klaus pov from when they get to the room
We walked in talking and she went to the living room and she came back to the kitchen with alcohol I hid and listened to the whole fight before hearing the door slam shut I peaked out and saw Stefan getting more alcohol I stepped out "let me introduce myself I'm Nicklaus or Klaus and that young lady you were just yelling at happened to be my daughter so I suggest if you are her boyfriend you stop the screaming at her and stop telling Alaric everything that happens with her when she was safe with her real father" I said before walking out as well I walked out of the hotel trying to find her and I soon saw her by the lake we had our talk at I jogged over to her and pulled her into a hug and she cried into my shirt "shh it's ok I got you" I said rubbing her back "Alaric is gonna kill me" she said after she had calmed down "it's fine I'll protect you" I said we stayed out for a while before it was getting dark "I think it's time we head home" I said standing up she nodded and we went back to the hotel room we went in and Stefan was passed out on the couch a empty alcohol bottle laying next to him she sighed and went in the bedroom I followed her into a room that had 2 beds "you can stay in here if you want he will stay out there all night for all I care" she said before grabbing some clothes and going to the bathroom I went to the bed on the far side and got In and she walked out and got into the other one and turned out the light "goodnight dad I love you" hearing this sentence leave her mouth made me the happiest dad ever "night I love you to"
The next morning
I woke up and looked over seeing Emma still asleep her phone was ringing and lighting up I quietly went over and saw the ID Alaric I answered "Emma Grace!" He yelled "hello she is asleep right now but this is her father how may I help you?" I asked stepping out of the room "as soon as she wakes up tell her to call me and she is in so much trouble" he growled "uh no she's not see with me being her real father and I knew where she was the entire time and she even told Stefan where she was going he just was to drunk to listen she shouldn't be in trouble" "he was drunk?" "Yea pitched a fit and yelled at her last night" "ok I'll have Damon talk to him but when Emma wakes up have her call me" "I will" I said before hanging up I went back in putting her phone back on the table before walking out and saw Stefan still passed out drunk me and him will definitely have a talk later.....

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