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A little A/N why is that picture or Damon me? Lol now to the story
Stefan's POV
I woke up and Emma was sleeping in my arms next to me I smiled I tried to move my arm but she turned to face me and cuddled her face into my chest holding me tightly I put my arm back around her and I felt her smile I smiled "what do you want for breakfast?" I asked she turned and looked at me "sleep" she said before closing her eyes and cuddling back into me "that's not food" "it is to me" "I'll tell you what I'll let you sleep while I cook breakfast" "no stay with me" "it's seriously almost 10" "well I have nothing better to do" she said looking at me laughing and then giving me puppy dog eyes knowing I can't resist them "that's not fair" "haha" she said laughing then cuddling back into me I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes falling back asleep
1 hour later
I woke up to someone whispering my name I opened my eyes Emma was still asleep I looked and saw Damon standing in the doorway he motioned for me to go to him I slowly moved my hand from Emma's head and got up going to Damon "we might have a bit of a problem" "what?" "Well you know how Isobel said if she dies that's it? Well that's not true if she dies vampire blood in her or not she's gonna come back as a vampire but when she comes back her humanity will be shut off and she won't remember anything about us" "well how do we keep her safe?" "For now let's not tell her she's had enough on her plate already" I looked over at her and she moved in her sleep before sitting up rubbing her eyes and looking at me "Stefan?" Damon patted my back "go to your girl" I smacked him "she's just my friend" "come one y'all are cute together" I rolled my eyes and he laughed and walked downstairs I went over to Emma I sat next to her and she climbed into my lap and snuggled into my chest "are you hungry?" She nodded a little "what do you want to eat?" "Food" I laughed "more specific?" "Good food" "what kind of good food?" "Takeout" "what kind?" "Chinese" "ok I'll order it but your gonna have to move so I can get my phone" (it was on the stand beside her) she didn't move she just reached over and grabbed it then handed it to me cuddling back into my chest I rubbed her back and called the Chinese place and ordered "we have to move to eat" "who said?" "We can't eat like this" she groaned "fine but I'm not moving till they get here" I laughed "ok" I wrapped my arms back around her "was Damon right?" "What do you mean?" "In the dream Damon said you were in love with me was he right?" Oh umm I can't tell her can I? "It was just a dream" she sat up and looked at me "was he?" She asked quietly I waited for a second before slowly nodding she just hugged me "Stefan I I love you to" I just hugged her "but what about Luke?" I asked quietly "he's just a friend" I smiled and hugged her still then I heard the door ring "foods here" I said picking her up putting her on my back she laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck and feet around my waist so she didn't fall we got downstairs and payed the guy and took the food to the kitchen I sat her down on the island counter and started unpacking the food when my phone rang "wait a second" she nodded before taking over getting it out while I went to the front room to answer Alaric "hey what's up?" "Damon just told me is Emma safe?" I glanced into the kitchen and she was eating a egg roll I laughed "yea she's fine we are about to eat now" "please keep her safe" "I will" I said smiling "ok call be later for a update on what else we find out we are about to go to Isobel's office in Alabama so we won't be home for a few days it's me and Damon" "ok be careful" "we will bye" I hung up and went to the kitchen and she was eating a piece of spicy chicken I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and she jumped a little "so looks like you started without me?" "You we're taking forever and I was gonna starve" I laughed and put some food on plates before putting her on my back and grabbing the plates I went to the front room and put her on the couch and handed her a plate and turned on the tv on full house and sitting down next to her we ate and watched tv until we were done I took the plates to the kitchen and threw away the garbage then went to the front room and sat down and she climbed into my lap and I held her while we watched our show "well what do you wanna do today?" "I have a idea!" She said "ok what?" She just laughed and got out of my lap and ran upstairs it took her a few minutes but she game downstairs with a roll of paper markers paint and pencils she rolled the paper out on the floor and got up and came over to me and grabbed me by the hand and I got up and she pulled me over to it I moved the couch to one side of the room and rolled up the carpet so we had more space then I laid on the ground beside her and she handed me a pencil and she got to drawing I started drawing to
30 minutes later
The doorbell just rang I got up to get it I opened the door and it was elena and Jenna "hey what's going on?" "Jenna wanted to see Emma and she brought me along" I laughed and held the door open so they could get in Jenna saw Emma in the floor drawing Emma looked up and saw her and jumped up running to her hugging her "mom!" She said I smiled she really loves Jenna and Alaric like her real parents Jenna hugged her rubbing her back "I've missed you" "me to but I'm having fun with Stefan we ate some Chinese and now we are drawing" Emma said pointing to the paper across the floor I looked over and Emma had drawn someone a guy I then realized she drew me I smiled I looked at her and she smiled "where's dad?" "Oh he and Damon went to Alabama they are trying to track down Isobel to stop her before anything happens" Jenna said good she didn't say to much Emma nodded and hugged he they stayed a little longer before leaving then Emma went to the paper and started drawing again I laid down and continued my drawing I was drawing mystic falls the way it used to be then and the way it is now I finished and sat up but she was still drawing I got my phone and took a picture of her and saved it then sent it to Alaric and he texted back
A-nice but we found some stuff about Isobel call Damon
S-calling now
"I'm gonna be in the other room calling Damon stay here"
"Okay" I stood up and went to the kitchen and called "what did u find?" "Well for one umm she kinda works with Katherine now" "so that's why she wants Emma not for Klaus to make her Katherine's servant" "ya pretty much" "Well did you find anything else?" "No but for now she needs to stay with you keep her safe" "Damon she's my world I won't let anything happen" "ok well I'll call you if we find anything else" "k bye" and he hung up I went to the front room and she was painting "look at me for a second" she said when I sat down I did and she sat up and look at my eyes before laying down painting some more "what are you doing?" "Drawing you" I smiled "well I don't know about you but I think we should for one go get some food at the store and for 2 watch some full house" "ok I can finish later" she said washing off the paint brush we left it out to dry "are you sure I can leave the house?" "As long as your with me your safe" I said putting my arm around her shoulder getting my car keys she laughed we went to my car and got in and we went to the store we got inside "what do you want to eat?" "I don't care something good" I laughed we ended up getting ice cream and pizza rolls we bought it then went home and put the pizza rolls out but got a carton of ice cream and 2 spoons and we watched full house eating ice cream until she started to fall asleep I looked at the time almost midnight we have been watching it for so long I put the ice cream in the freezer and the spoons in the sink and picked her up carrying her to my room laying her on the bed but she grabbed my hand "stay with me" "let me turn out the light first" she let go and I turned it off and got into bed and she cuddled into my chest I wrapped my arms around her and we fell asleep

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